32. Astragalus sect. Gontscharoviella Kamelin, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad). 59: 1754. 1974.
刚查诺夫组 gang cha nuo fu zu
Plants acaulescent to subacaulescent, with only basifixed white hairs. Leaflets verticillate in several approximate to remote whorls. Calyx tubular. Petals glabrous; standard mostly pandurate, more rarely obovate. Legumes small, with thin walls.
Nineteen species: mountains of Afghanistan, W China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; two species in China.
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Rachis with hairs 1-2 mm; leaflets 4-8 verticillate; calyx in basal part subglabrous or at least distinctly less hairy than in upper part; legumes 8-15 mm. |
231 A. alatavicus |
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Rachis with hairs 0.3-1 mm; leaflets 4-6 verticillate; calyx densely hairy throughout; legumes 12-18 mm. |
232 A. pamirensis |
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