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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Fabaceae Tribe GALEGEAE

18. Astragalus sect. Glycyrrhizi W. D. J. Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. Helv. 182. 1836.

密花组 mi hua zu

Astragalus sect. Hypoglottis Bunge.

Plants perennial, with short to long stems, furnished with basifixed hairs. Stipules not or shortly adnate to petiole, ± vaginate-connate around stem. Inflorescences with a well-developed peduncle, capitate to shortly cylindric, mostly densely many flowered, more rarely only few flowered. Flowers with a short pedicel. Bracteoles absent. Calyx campanulate-tubular or tubular. Corolla purple or violet (in Chinese species) but sometimes yellowish when dry, marcescent, not persistent in fruit. Legumes sessile to subsessile, ± erect, oblong to ovoid, 2-locular or nearly so; valves firm or membranous.

Forty-four species: Afghanistan, China, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia (Siberia); N Africa, C and SW Asia, Europe, North America; four species (one endemic) in China.

1 Calyx teeth nearly as long as tube; legumes densely covered with spreading white hairs   (2)
+ Calyx teeth distinctly shorter than tube; legumes covered with predominantly black hairs or hairs sitting on small tubercles   (3)
2 (1) Bracts 3-7 mm, white and black hairy; calyx covered with appressed to nearly spreading white and black hairs up to 0.9 mm; standard ovate to rhombic-ovate, at base gradually narrowed; legumes 7-10 mm.   98 A. agrestis
+ Bracts ca. 3 mm, only ciliate; calyx covered with short appressed black hairs; standard ± oblong, at base somewhat abruptly contracted into a very short, indistinct claw; legumes 14-16 mm.   101 A. wulumuquianus
3 (1) Stipules 4-10 mm; peduncle with black hairs all over; standard 16-22 mm, wing limbs distinctly obliquely emarginate; legumes with a stipe 2-4 mm, narrowly ellipsoid, 10-15 mm, ca. 3 mm high and wide, covered with predominantly black hairs.   100 A. tibetanus
+ Lower stipules ca. 2 mm, upper ones up to 5 mm; peduncle white hairy, toward raceme also black hairy; standard 14-15 mm, wing limbs rounded at apex; legumes sessile, widely ovoid, 5-7 mm, ca. 3 mm high and 4-4.5 mm wide, covered with white hairs up to 1.5 mm, sitting on small tubercles.   99 A. danicus


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