1 |
Petals purple or violet (in A. dilutus sometimes yellow with purple keel), sometimes drying yellowish brown, but mostly purple |
(2) |
+ |
Petals all yellow |
(9) |
2 (1) |
Calyx 7-8 mm; bracts 2-2.5 mm; standard ca. 15 mm; stipules high connate behind stem. |
387 A. chamaephyton |
+ |
Calyx and standard longer, bracts mostly longer; stipules free from each other |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Calyx teeth ca. 0.5 mm; plants only white hairy. |
390 A. grum-grshimailoi |
+ |
Calyx teeth longer; plants at least at calyx teeth but mostly elsewhere with black hairs, if only with white hairs (A. sabuletorum), then calyx teeth 3-4 mm |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Standard 20-24 × ca. 7 mm, rhombic-elliptic, without distinct claw; leaflets in 4-9 pairs. |
399 A. tekesensis |
+ |
Standard at most up to 20 mm, with a ± distinct claw; leaflets in mostly fewer pairs |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Most leaflets more than 10 mm and up to 15-25 mm; wings 2-4 mm shorter than standard |
(6) |
+ |
Leaflets up to 10 mm; wings as long as standard or ca. 1 mm shorter |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Leaflets in 3-5 pairs, in basal leaves often only in 1 or 2 pairs; bracts 5-10 mm; calyx covered with spreading hairs; legumes sessile. |
392 A. laguroides |
+ |
Leaflets in 5-9 pairs; bracts 3-5 mm; calyx covered with appressed hairs; legumes with a stipe 1-1.5 mm. |
396 A. sabuletorum |
7 (5) |
Leaflets in 2-4 pairs; bracts white and black hairy; calyx covered with spreading hairs. |
394 A. obtusifoliolus |
+ |
Leaflets in at least 4 pairs, but mostly in more; bracts white hairy; calyx appressed hairy |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Calyx at anthesis 9-10 mm, with teeth 1-1.5 mm; standard limb elliptic; petals pale purple or yellow with purple keel. |
388 A. dilutus |
+ |
Calyx at anthesis 13-14 mm, with teeth 2.5-3.5 mm; standard limb obovate-pandurate; petals purplish. |
395 A. ochrias |
9 (1) |
Stipules 4-7 mm, adnate to petiole for ca. 2 mm, sometimes connate in front of petiole higher up, always connate behind stem up to 3/4 of length. |
397 A. sphaerocystis |
+ |
Stipules never connate behind stem or around petiole |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Leaves 1-2 cm; leaflets in 1 or 2 pairs. |
400 A. wenquanensis |
+ |
Leaves longer; leaflets in more pairs |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Standard ca. 14 mm. |
393 A. novissimus |
+ |
Standard at least 17 mm but mostly longer |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Calyx covered with appressed hairs |
(13) |
+ |
Calyx covered with spreading hairs |
(15) |
13 (12) |
Stipules 4-10 mm, adnate to petiole for 2-4 mm; calyx teeth 3-7 mm; legumes sessile, 7-8 mm, covered with asymmetrically bifurcate, ascending to spreading hairs. |
398 A. taiyuanensis |
+ |
Stipules 3-5 mm, very shortly adnate to petiole; calyx teeth up to 3 mm; legumes stipitate, longer, covered with medifixed, appressed hairs |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Wing limbs deeply bilobed; ovary and legumes with a stipe 3-3.5 mm, grooved dorsally, incompletely 2-locular. |
401 A. zaissanensis |
+ |
Wing limbs slightly emarginate; ovary and legumes with a stipe 1-1.5 mm, narrowly rounded dorsally, 2-locular. |
391 A. kurtschumensis |
15 (12) |
Leaflets in 2-5 pairs; stipules 10-17 mm; bracts 6-9 mm. |
386 A. baotouensis |
+ |
Leaflets in at least 4 pairs but in most leaves in distinctly more; stipules up to 8 mm; bracts at most up to 5 mm |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Stipules 6-8 mm, high adnate to petiole, covered with strongly asymmetrically bifurcate hairs; leaflets 5-10 × 1.5-4 mm, very densely silvery hairy; peduncles longer than leaves. |
385 A. arkalycensis |
+ |
Stipules very shortly adnate to petiole, covered with medifixed hairs; leaflets mostly longer and distinctly wider, 6-25 × 4-13 mm, densely but not silvery hairy; peduncles shorter than leaves. |
389 A. ellipsoideus |