19. Oxytropis sect. Lycotriche Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg, sér. 7. 22(1): 134. 1874.
猫头刺组 mao tou ci zu
Shrublets, strongly branched, non-glandular, with appressed silky trichomes often forming pulvinate tufts. Stipules adnate to petiole, connate. Leaves appearing paripinnate by apical leaflet reduced to a spine; petioles and rachis hardened after falling of leaflets and becoming slender spines. Racemes axillary, few flowered; peduncle short. Calyx inflating in fruit, not ruptured by legume. Legume ± ovoid, thickly leathery, ± 2-locular.
One species: China, Mongolia, Russia.
Lower Taxon
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