1 |
Stem with only black hairs. |
379 A. tyttocarpus |
+ |
Stem with white or white and black hairs |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Calyx covered with subappressed hairs; standard 15-16 mm. |
378 A. scleropodius |
+ |
Calyx covered with ascending or mainly spreading hairs |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Leaflets adaxially glabrous, abaxially with scattered hairs only; peduncles with few scattered hairs; calyx teeth 4-5 mm. |
373 A. cysticalyx |
+ |
At least some leaflets hairy adaxially, all sparsely to rather densely hairy abaxially; peduncles mostly distinctly hairy; calyx teeth 2-3 mm |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Fruiting calyx 12-13 mm, covered with symmetrically to strongly asymmetrically bifurcate, ascending, predominantly black hairs; standard 16-18 mm; legumes covered with spreading predominantly black hairs ca. 1 mm, without distinctly shorter hairs. |
377 A. majevskianus |
+ |
Fruiting calyx 14 mm or longer, covered with strongly asymmetrically to basifixed, predominantly longer white hairs and with distinctly shorter black hairs; standard mostly distinctly longer; legumes covered with predominantly white or golden yellowish hairs and with or without shorter black hairs |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaflets elliptic, 10-20 × 4-11 mm; longer white calyx hairs ascending; standard narrowly oblong, 17-25 × ca. 6 mm, constricted in middle. |
374 A. dendroides |
+ |
Leaflets distinctly relatively narrower; longer white calyx hairs at least partly spreading; standard obovate, if narrowly oblong, then not constricted |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Leaflets in 3 or 4 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 10-35 × 4-10 mm; peduncles 3-5 cm, sparsely white hairy to subglabrous; standard obovate, 20-26 × 8-10 mm; legumes villous with long, golden yellowish hairs, on ventral side with shorter black hairs mixed in. |
380 A. xanthotrichos |
+ |
Leaflets in 4-7 pairs, mostly linear; peduncles 9-15 cm, ± densely hairy; standard shorter; legumes (ovary) with white hairs |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Leaflets narrowly linear, 10-20 × 1-1.5 mm; standard narrowly oblong, ca. 19 × 4 mm; wing limbs obtuse. |
375 A. gongliuensis |
+ |
Leaflets linear to very narrowly elliptic, 13-22 × 2-4 mm; standard obovate, constricted below middle, ca. 20 × 6 mm; wing limbs obliquely emarginate. |
376 A. leucocladus |