3. Saussurea Subg. Theodorea Cassini, Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris. 1818: 168. 1818.
附片风毛菊亚属 fu pian feng mao ju ya shu
Theodorea (Cassini) Cassini.
Herbs, biennial or perennial. Stems usually tall, many branched, leafy. Capitula usually numerous to very numerous, in a corymbiform or paniculiform synflorescence. Phyllaries imbricate, margin sometimes dentate, all or only middle and inner phyllaries with colored and membranous or green and herbaceous apical appendage; appendage sometimes inconspicuous or apex spiniform-acuminate. Receptacle with subulate or filiform bristles. Corolla limb deeply cleft (more than 2/3-4/5), usually gland-dotted. Achene smooth or ribbed, sometimes wrinkled, glabrous or gland-dotted, without a conspicuous apical crown. Pappus white, straw-colored, or pale brown, always in 2 rows; outer bristles scabrid or rarely plumose.
Twenty species: China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan; Europe; 17 species (seven endemic) in China.
1 |
Phyllaries without a conspicuous appendage, apex cartilaginous, spiniform, and usually reflexed |
(2) |
+ |
Phyllaries with a ± widened, membranous, or callose-serrulate appendage, apex not spiniform but sometimes needlelike or ± long acuminate |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Capitula numerous; plants biennial or perennial, without woody caudex. |
66 S. malitiosa |
+ |
Capitulum solitary; plants perennial, with a stout woody caudex. |
67 S. jurineoides |
3 (1) |
Phyllaries or at least inner ones with a small herbaceous callose-serrulate apical appendage |
(4) |
+ |
Phyllaries or at least inner ones with a purple membranous apically widened but sometimes inconspicuous appendage |
(6) |
4 (3) |
Leaf blade undivided, margin entire. |
72 S. chinnampoensis |
+ |
Leaf blade pinnatisect, pinnately lobed, or margin sinuate-lobate |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaf blade adaxially green, sparsely pubescent, abaxially pale grayish green, sparsely arachnoid; inner phyllaries apically not barbellate. |
70 S. nematolepis |
+ |
Leaf blade green, concolorous, sparsely strigose; inner phyllaries apically densely barbellate. |
71 S. ladyginii |
6 (3) |
Outer phyllaries with an apical cartilaginous mucro |
(7) |
+ |
Outer phyllaries without an apical cartilaginous mucro |
(11) |
7 (6) |
Plants biennial. |
68 S. pseudomalitiosa |
+ |
Plants perennial |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Stems wingless or wing inconspicuous. |
62 S. runcinata |
+ |
Stems conspicuously winged |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Basal leaves bipinnately parted; apex of outer phyllaries reflexed. |
63 S. laciniata |
+ |
Basal leaves pinnately parted to undivided; apex of outer phyllaries not or barely reflexed |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Basal leaves lyrate-pinnately lobed to undivided and with sinuate-dentate or subentire margin. |
64 S. grubovii |
+ |
Basal leaves pinnately lobed or pinnately parted. |
65 S. alata |
11 (6) |
Outer phyllaries with a long needlelike recurved apex. |
60 S. robusta |
+ |
Outer phyllaries without a needlelike apex |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Involucre cylindric, narrowly obconic, or narrowly campanulate; outer phyllaries without a membranous appendage |
(13) |
+ |
Involucre globose, ovoid, or campanulate; all phyllaries usually with a membranous appendage |
(15) |
13 (12) |
Stem usually wingless. |
56 S. amara |
+ |
Stem winged |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Middle and upper stem leaves ovate, base amplexicaul, margin entire and undivided. |
57 S. chingiana |
+ |
Middle and upper stem leaves narrowly elliptic to linear, base not amplexicaul, margin pinnately lobed or dentate. |
61 S. prostrata |
15 (12) |
Involucre globose, 10-15 mm in diam.; phyllary appendages showy, 2-3 mm wide, usually overlapping. |
59 S. pulchella |
+ |
Involucre campanulate, 4-10 mm in diam.; phyllary appendages not showy, 1-2 mm wide, not overlapping |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Stem usually wingless; involucre cylindric to narrowly campanulate; outer phyllaries sometimes without an appendage. |
58 S. japonica |
+ |
Stem narrowly winged; outer phyllaries with an appendage |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Involucre tubular to narrowly campanulate, 4-6 mm in diam.; capitula numerous in a large corymbiform synflorescence. |
58 S. japonica |
+ |
Involucre campanulate, 8-10 mm in diam.; capitula solitary or few at branch ends. |
69 S. pinnatidentata |
List of lower taxa
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