1 |
Middle stem leaves with 2-4 pairs of main segments |
(2) |
+ |
Middle stem leaves with 4-6 pairs of main segments |
(10) |
2 (1) |
Capitula 3-4 mm in diam., in groups of 3-6(-8) on branches of large broad panicles. |
116 A. erlangshanensis |
+ |
Capitula 1.5-3(-4) mm in diam., uniformly distributed along branches in narrow or broad panicles |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Stem and branches with many sessile blunt multicellular hairs and scattered gland-tipped hairs; middle stem leaves sessile, lobes 3-6(-8) mm wide, revolute, adaxially glandular pubescent and sparsely arachnoid pubescent, abaxial veins with hairs obviously differently colored from those elsewhere. |
118 A. chingii |
+ |
Stem and branches sparsely pubescent and glandular pubescent or not; middle stem leaves shortly petiolate, lobes (3-)10 mm wide or more, flat, adaxially uniformly glandular pubescent or on veins only or mixed with non-glandular hairs, abaxial veins with hairs same or different colors as those elsewhere |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Lobes of leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, (1-)1.5-2 × 0.3-1 cm; capitula in broad panicles |
(5) |
+ |
Lobes of leaves elliptic, oblong, or oblong-ovate, more than 2 × 1 cm; capitula in narrower panicles |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Lobes of leaves linear, 10-15(-30) × 3-6 mm. |
119 A. simulans |
+ |
Lobes of leaves linear-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 15-20 × 5-10 mm. |
125 A. rosthornii |
6 (4) |
Middle stem leaves 3- or ternately 5-partite, distal and lateral lobes subequal, not caudate, entire or few serrate at margin. |
126 A. sichuanensis |
+ |
Middle stem leaves 1- or 2-pinnatisect, or -partite, segments 2-4(or 5) pairs, distal ones longer, or not and then with broadly winged rachis, usually serrate |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Distal lobes not caudate, 2- or 3-cleft, rachis broadly winged |
(8) |
+ |
Distal lobes caudate, longer than other lobes, serrate, rachis not winged |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Leaves papery; capitula oblong or oblong-ovoid, 2.5-3(-4) mm in diam. |
124 A. thellungiana |
+ |
Leaves thickly papery; capitula ovoid, 1.5-2 mm in diam. |
122 A. orientaliyunnanensis |
9 (7) |
Leaves gland-dotted, segments 2 or 3 pairs, 1- or 2-cleft; capitula oblong or ovoid, 1.5-2(-2.5) mm in diam. |
117 A. atrovirens |
+ |
Leaves not gland-dotted, segments 3(or 4) pairs, 2- or 3-lobuled or serrate; capitula hemispheric or broadly ovoid, 2.5-3 mm in diam. |
127 A. zayuensis |
10 (1) |
Capitula (3-)4-5 mm in diam., disk florets 30-40(-50); phyllaries tomentose |
(11) |
+ |
Capitula 1.5-3(-4) mm in diam., disk florets 2-20(-25), if capitula 3-4 mm in diam. then phyllaries glabrous or sparsely puberulent |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Phyllary margins not barbate; perennial herbs, 40-120 cm tall; stems glandular pubescent. |
110 A. viscida |
+ |
Phyllary margins barbate; subshrubs, 25-50 cm tall; stems densely yellowish viscid tomentose. |
111 A. vexans |
12 (10) |
Middle stem leaves (2 or)3-pinnatisect or -partite, deeply serrate |
(13) |
+ |
Middle stem leaves 1- or 2-pinnatisect or -partite |
(15) |
13 (12) |
Uppermost flowering branches short, forming narrow panicle; phyllaries barbate at apex; capitula 3-4 mm in diam. |
113 A. mattfeldii |
+ |
Flowering branches long, forming broad, much-branched panicles; phyllaries not barbate; capitula 1-2.5 mm in diam |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Stem, branches, leaves, and phyllaries with prominently gland-tipped hairs; capitula ellipsoid or oblong, 2-2.5 mm in diam. |
120 A. gyitangensis |
+ |
Stem, branches, and leaves viscid pubescent, phyllaries glandular pubescent and eglandular pubescent or not; capitula ovoid, 1-1.5 mm in diam. |
128 A. gongshanensis |
15 (12) |
Capitula 3-4 mm in diam |
(16) |
+ |
Capitula 1.5-2.5(-3) mm in diam |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Stem and branches sparsely glandular pubescent and densely tomentose, sparsely so later; capitula in narrow panicles. |
112 A. tangutica |
+ |
Stem and branches densely glandular pubescent, not tomentose; capitula in somewhat broad panicles. |
115 A. viscidissima |
17 (15) |
Stem and branches densely viscid pubescent; leaves sparsely pubescent adaxially and densely arachnoid tomentose and white gland-dotted abaxially and sparsely glandular pubescent on abaxial veins; capitula in somewhat broad panicles; phyllaries densely tomentose and sparsely glandular pubescent. |
129 A. yadongensis |
+ |
Stem and branches densely glandular pubescent and sparsely eglandular puberulent, adaxial surface of leaves and abaxial veins glandular pubescent or also tomentose adaxially; capitula in broad panicles; phyllaries arachnoid tomentose or glabrescent |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Middle stem leaves 1-pinnatisect. |
123 A. shennongjiaensis |
+ |
Middle stem leaves 2-pinnatipartite or -pinnatisect |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Middle stem leaves 2-pinnatisect, distances between segments long, distal lobule longer than laterals, linear or linear-lanceolate, 15-25 × 1.5-2.5 mm. |
114 A. occidentalisichuanensis |
+ |
Middle stem leaves 2-pinnatipartite or nearly -sect, distances between segments shorter, distal lobule subequal to laterals, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-elliptic, 10-15 × 3-5 mm. |
121 A. myriantha |