Description from
Flora of China
Trees or shrubs with latex. Leaves whorled, rarely opposite, with glands axillary and sometimes on petiole. Cymes pedunculate, terminal or axillary, each branch ends in as many inflorescences and/or branches as leaves in a whorl. Calyx deeply divided, without glands. Corolla white, yellow, green, or pink, rarely with a red tube, salverform or campanulate; tube cylindric, swollen on 1 side at or above middle, villous inside distal half, throat not scaly, often with long hairs inside; lobes overlapping to left. Stamens inserted in widening of corolla tube; filaments very short; anthers ovate, free from pistil head, base rounded; disc ringlike or cup-shaped, entire or lobed at apex. Ovaries 2, free or connate. Style filiform; pistil head drum-shaped, with a pendulous ring, apex shortly 2-cleft. Drupes 2, distinct or connate. Seed 1, without coma.
About 60 species: Africa, Asia, America; seven species in China.