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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 1 | Ditrichaceae | Pringleella

Pringleella sinensis Broth., Symb. Sin. 4: 11. 1929.


Plants minute, up to 2 mm high, pale yellowish green, in loose tufts. Stems erect, simple, radiculose at the base. Leaves small, ca. 0.6 mm long, distant at the lower stems, much larger and crowded near the stem apex, imbricate, concave, ovate to oblong-ovate, acute or apiculate at the apex,; margins plane, entire or serrulate near the apex; costa stout, subpercurrent; upper leaf cells subquadrate or short-rectangular, rather thick-walled, smooth; basal cells narrowly rectangular, moderately thick-walled. Autoicous. Perichaetial leaves differentiated from the vegetative leaves, larger, lanceolate, ca. 1.9 mm long, costa shortly excurrent. Setae very short, ca. 1 mm long; capsules immersed, ovoid; opercula convex, half-spherical, shortly rostrate; annuli persistent; peristome teeth absent. Spores 20 µm in diameter, densely papillose.

Type. China: Yunnan, Lijiang, alt. 2950 m, Handel-Mazzetti 12615 (holotype H).

Specimen examined: YUNNAN: see the type information of Pringleella sinensis cited above.

Habitat: on soil; Distribution: endemic to China.

This species is similar to Pringleella pleuridioides Card., but it differs in having smaller capsules and spores. Seppelt (1987) indicated the similarity of P. sinensis to Astomiopsis sinensis and suggested transferring this species to the genus Astomiopsis.

Illustrations: Pl. 18, figs. 1–8.


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