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Bauhinia Linn., Sp. P1. 374. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 177.1754.

Bauhinia purpurea

Credit: Asad

Trees, shrubs or climbers. Leaves alternate, simple, usually consisting of two lobes or almost bifoliolate with midrib between the two leaflets produced as a small spur. Flowers are showy, arranged in simple or panicled, terminal or axillary racemes. Hypanthium sometimes long and cylindrical, sometimes short and turbinate. Calyx entire or spathaceous, or cleft into two or five teeth. Petals 5, slightly unequal, narrowed at the base into a claw, variously coloured. Stamens 10, or reduced to 5 or there, filaments free or shortly connate, filiform, anthers versatile, Dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary seated on a stalk (gynophore), ovules many, style long or short and usually curved, stigma capitate, fruit a linear pod, dehiscent or indehiscent.

A genus with c. 570 species, mostly distributed in tropics and warm temperate regions of both the hemispheres.

1 Climbers   (2)
+ Trees or erect shrubs   (3)
2 (1) Leaves very large, 10 - 46 cm long   Bauhinia vahlii
+ Leaves not longer than 5cm   Bauhinia corymbosa
3 (1) Leaves entire or notched at the apex (fertile stamens 3-5)   Bauhinia retusa
+ Leaves bilobed   (4)
4 (3) Fertile stamens 10   (5)
+ Fertile stamens 3-5   (7)
5 (4) Flowers in axillary pairs, rarely 1-3   8 Bauhinia tomentosa
+ Flowers in raceme   (6)
6 (5) Leaf broader than long, tip of lobes round, raceme many flowered   3 Bauhinia racemosa
+ Leaf longer than broad, lobes generally acute-acuminate, raceme few flowered   Bauhinia linnaei
7 (4) Fertile stamens 3, leaflet cleft halfway down, hypanthium shorter than the calyx   Bauhinia purpurea
+ Fertile stamens 5, leaf cleft 1/3 of the way down, hypanthium subequal to the calyx   Bauhinia variegata

Lower Taxa

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