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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 206 | Cyperaceae

5. Blysmus Panzer ex Schult., Mant. 2: 41. 1824; Kukkonen in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 173: 43. 1998.
[nom. cons.]

Nomochloa P. Beauv. ex T. Lestib., Ess. Cyper.: 37. 1819, nom. rejic. Scirpus sect. Blysmus (Panzer) W.D.J. Koch, Synopsis Fl. Germ.: 744. 1837. Leptolepis Boeck., Beit. Cyper., ”Cyper. Nov.” 1: 31. 1888.

Perennials, up to 45 cm. Rhizome creeping. Stem almost terete or trigonous. Leaves subbasal, up to equalling stem. Inflorescence a distichous multiple spike with 3-18 spikes, lowermost bract often leaf-like. Spikes with 3-c.10 spirally arranged glumes. Flowers bisexual or apical ones often unisexual and female; perianth bristles 4-7, or reduced; stamens 2-3; stigmas 2. Nut 2-4.5 mm, lenticular.

A genus with c. 2 species, distributed in temperate regions of Europe, N.W.Africa and Asia; both the species occur in our region.

Superficially resembling some species of Carex subg. Vignea (C. stenophylla, C. pseudofoetida), but readily distinguished by the absence of utricles and the presence of perianth bristles.

1 Leaves many, flat; inflorescence mostly more than 20 mm long, of more than 10 spikes.   1 B. compressus
+ Leaves few, canaliculate; inflorescence c. 15 mm long, of 5-8 spikes.   2 B. rufus

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