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Pakistan | Family List | Lauraceae

Cinnamomum Schaeffer, Botan. Exped. (Gen. Pl.). 268, 169. 1760. Nees, Syst. Laur. 17, 31. 1836; Meissner in DC., Prodr. 15(1): 4, 9. 1864; Stewart & Brandis, For. Fl. N. W.Ind. 374. 1874; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5:128. 1886; Pax in Engl. & Pran., Pfl. fam. 3(2):113. 1889; Brandis, Ind. Trees 532. 1906; Cooke, Fl. Bomb. Pres. 2:534. 1906; Kostermans in Reinwardtia 4:233. 1957; Bibl. Laur. 243-48. 1964.

  • Camphora Fabricius

    Evergreen trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged to opposite, penninerved or triplinerved, entire. Terminal buds large, perulate (sect. Camphora) or small, with few bud scales. Flowers bi-sexual, small. Perianth of 6 equal tepals in 2 whorls. Fertile stamens 9 in 3 whorls; anthers usually 4-celled, of whorl 1 and 2 introrse, of whorl 3 extrorse or latrorse, the latter with stipitate glands, the stipe usually grown together with the filament; whorl 4 staminodial; filaments short. Ovary with short or long style with minute, peltate stigma. Fruit a berry, seated on or in a shallow or deep cup (enlarged perianth tube), the tepals either deciduous or persistent, or only the basal part of the tepals persistent and indurate.

    A genus of about 200 species (450 have been described) in tropical and subtropical Asia, Central and S. America and Australia. It is not found in Africa. Representated in Pakistan by 2 species, one of which is cultivated.

    1 Buds perulate with many scales. Basal lateral nerves reaching 1/2 to 2/3 the lamina length, often bullate in the axils. Tepals 2 mm long. Glands at the basal part of the filament. Fruit cup thin, shallow. Fruit globose   Cinnamomum camphora
    + Buds with 2 scales. Basal nerves reaching 4/5 the lamina length, not bullate. Glands attached to the middle of the filament. Fruit cup obconical, fleshy. Fruit ellipsoid   Cinnamomum tamala

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