18. Gastrodia R. Brown, Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 330. 1810.
Gamoplexis Falc.
Saprophytic plants with fleshy tuberous or coralloid rhizome. Stem leafless, with several sheaths, brownish, without chlorophyll. Inflorescence terminal, few-to many-flowered. Flowers somewhat fleshy, pale brownish. Sepal and petals united into a ventricose tube with 5-lobed apex. Labellum short, entire, spurless, base adnate to column. Column elongate, slender, occasionally with short foot, narrowly winged; anther terminal, incumbent; pollinia 2, sectile, without caudicles or viscid gland; stigma entire, at base of column.
About 20 species in eastern Asia, Australia, New Zealand. In Himalaya Mts. westwards to Pakistan at altitudes between 2000 and 2500 m. 1 species occurs in our area.
Lower Taxon
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