Gastrodia orobanchoides (Falc.) Benth., Gen. Plant. 3:617. 1883. Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:122. 1890; Duthie, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta, 9:155. pl. 121. 1906; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 69. 1972.
Gamoplexis orobanchoides Falc.
Plants robust, up to 100 cm tall, with large, oblong, tuberoids, marked with rings. Stem stout, brown, with a few distant, short and loose sheaths. Inflorescence many-flowered, with lower flowers ± distant, 20-30 cm long. Bracts linear-lanceolate, up to 15 mm, exceeding the ovary. Flowers yellow-brownish, erect or slightly spreading. Perianth segments connate into a ventricose tube, slit in front up to half way on either side of labellum, 10-12 mm long, with shortly 5-lobed apex, lobes spreading or recurved, the apex of sepals rather longer than the free portion of petals. Labellum below adnate to sepal-tube and column foot, blade ovate, obtuse, c. 5-4 mm, margins undulate. Column 7-8 mm long. Ovary swollen, glabrous, with about 3 mm long stalk.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Type: Himalaya: “In umbrosis humidis inter montes Emodenses ad altitudinem circider 7000 pedem supra mare”. Falconer, no. 1083 (K, s. 1.).
Distribution: Western Himalaya, at elevation from 2000-3000 m.
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