Ranunculus royleanus Qureshi & Chaudhri
Small caespitose perennial, with fibrous roots, base covered by remains of old leaves. Leaves all radical, blade 7-50 mm in diameter, membranous, reniform, base cordate, crenate, sometimes with 3 crenate lobes. Scapes several, 2-10 cm high. Flowers solitary, about 2-2.5 cm in diameter. Sepals 5, coriaceous, elliptic, obtuse, glabrous. Petals 10-15, yellow, longer than the calyx, oblong-spathulate, tapering towards the base, with a tubular nectar-pit. Carpels on a subglobose receptacle, compressed, glabrous, with an elongate straight subulate beak.
Fl. Per.: August.
Type: Peak of Kedarkanta, Boyle (LIV).
B-7 Hazara: Makra, Kagan, July 1896, Inayat s.n. (RAW), Kashmir: B-8 Masjid Gall Top, 13500', R.R. & I.D. Stewart 18364 (RAW).
Distribution: Himalaya, endemic.
Alpine species, grows from 4000-4500 m.