Papaver pavoninum var. incornutum Fedde
Annual, 15-30 (-50) cm tall herb, branched, hispid and often setose below. Leaves similar to the above species but ultimate segments more acute and apical lobe often more elongated and somewhat serrately toothed or dissected and com¬paratively densely hispid on the under surface, especially on the mid nerve. Flowers 2-4 cm in diam., often in groups of 3 (false umbellate-looking at least in buds); scarlet or deep red with black blotch at the base; peduncle often shorter than in the above species but similarly appressedly bristly. Calyx usually obovate-orbicular or broadly ellipsoid, 5-10) (-14) mm long, 6-10 mm broad, (excluding the apical horns), hispid or bristly with arcuately ascending, 1-1.5 mm long broad-based, whitish bristles; apical horn of each sepal very prominent to almost obsolete or completely suppressed, up to 3 mm long, linear to short triangular, often somewhat diverging. Petals (15-) 20-25 mm long, and almost equally broad, obovate-orbicular, bright red with black basal blotch. Stamens as long or slightly longer than the ovary; filaments linear, darker above; anthers c. 1 mm long, oblong with somewhat cordate base. Capsule broadly ovoid to suborbicular, 5-8 (-10) mm long, 4-6 mm broad, densely setose with ascending, yellowish, 2-3 mm long bristles; stigma disc (4-) 6 (-8)-rayed, slightly shorter than the width of the capsule; stigma rays not exceeding the disk margin; seeds very small.
Fl.Per. April-June.
Type: C. Asia. From seed collected at Lake Alakul (LE).
Distribution: Turcomania, Iran, Afghanistan, Altai and W. Pakistan.
Easily distinguished from the above species by its 2-horned calyx (horns sometimes obsolete), often with elongated terminal lobe of the cauline leaves, and usually more densely hisped with shorter peduncles.
A very variable species in leaves, flower and flower bud size etc. but fairly constant in fruit shape. The calyx horns vary and even on the same plant all degrees of variation may be present. Papaver ocellatum Woron. is only a variant with obsolete calyx horns, but the leaves and fruits are exactly like those in Papaver pavoninum. The stamen bearing girdle said to differentiate the two is not a reliable character.
More common and widely distributed in our area than the above species. It has no narcotic value.