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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Atylosia

Atylosia scarabaeoides (Linn.) Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind. 2:215. 1876. Cooke, Fl.Bomb.Pres (reprint ed.) 1:409.1958; Parker,For.Fl.Punj. 3rd.ed.162.1956.

  • Atylosia scarabaeoides* Benth.
  • Dolichos scarabaeoides Linn.

    Perennial climber or trailer. Root woody. Stem with rusty reddish pubescence. Leaf trifoliolate, petiole 7-27 mm, rachis 1-5 mm long; leaflets 0.8-7.3 cm long, 0.5-3.0 cm wide, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, lateral leaflets slightly oblique, obtuse to subacute, velvety pubescent and gland dotted on both surfaces; petiolule 1-1.5 mm long; stipules minute. Inflorescence 2-6-flowered clusters on short axillary peduncle, peduncle 1-3 mm long. Pedicel c. 4 mm long. Calyx 6-7 mm long, densely pubescent, teeth c. 5 mm long. Corolla yellow, flushed crimson externally. Vexillum c. 9-10 mm long, glabrous. Fruit 1.5-2.5 cm long, 5-7.5 mm broad, densely pubescent and glandular, 3-6-seeded, furrowed between the seeds.

    Fl.Per.: June-October.

    Syntypes: Ceylon, Herb. Hermann vol. 1 p.34 & vol.2 p.60 (BM) & Burman specimen 900.9 (LINN).

    Distribution: Pakistan, Punjab; Kashmir; India; Ceylon; Burma; Nepal; Sikkim; China; Malaya; Mauritius; Madagascar; introduced in Africa.


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