Lens esculenta Moench.
Small erect herb, 2-40 cm tall, pilose, hairs spreading; branching from the base. Stipule lateral, free, 3-5 mm long, entire, acute. Rachis ending in a short bristle, sometimes in a tendril. Leaflets 4-7 pairs, 5-15 mm long, 1-3-(4) mm broad, pilose on both sides, entire, tip truncate to retuse, apiculate. Inflorescence peduncled, 1-4 flowered, the axis continues after giving rise to flowers, peduncle (base to tip) 2.5-5 cm long. Calyx pilose, 5-6 mm, teeth subequal, c. 4 mm long, acute. Corolla pale purple. Vexillum 5-6 mm. Pod glabrous, 8-14 mm long, 5-8 mm broad. Seeds 2, compressed, grey, cotyledons orange-red.
Fl.Per.: March-May.
Type: Described from S. France.
Distribution: Native country uncertain, widely cultivated in Europe, Asia etc.
Lentil is widely used as a pulse.