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Pakistan | Family List | Umbelliferae | Eriocycla

Eriocycla nuda Lindl in Royle, Ill. Himal. Mount. 232. 1835. Wolff in Engler, l.c.; Hiroe, l.c. 26.

  • Pituranthos nuda (Lindl.) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke

    Plants 50 cm to 1 m tall. Branches few; upper part of the stems almost leafless. Leaves petiolate, pubescent, bipinnate; pinnae ovate; margins toothed; Peduncles up to 20 cm long, pubescent. Rays 5-10, 1-6 cm long. Petals light yellow. Ovary densely pubescent; styles 1 mm long, divergent. Fruit elliptic, pubescent; ridges thin.

    Type: Described from N.W. Himalaya, Kunawar.

    Distribution: N.W. Himalaya.

    This species has been reported from Chitral in W. Pakistan by I. Chaudhri


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