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Pakistan | Family List | Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea

18. Ipomoea turbinata Lag., Gen. Sp. Pl. 10. 1816. Gunn, Brittonia 24: 163. 1972. (Fig. 6, H-1).


Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Ipomoea turbinata

Credit: M.Y. Saleem

  • Calonyction muricatum (Linn.) Don
  • Convolvulus muricatus Linn.
  • Ipomoea muricata (Linn.) Jacq.

    Climbers, annual, the herbaceous stems twining, glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate to orbicular, 7-18 cm long, cordate basally, acuminate apically with an acute to obtuse acumen. Flowers solitary to few-flowered cymes, the peduncles usually muricate. Sepals ovate to oblong, the outer 6-7 mm long with a fleshy-caudate awn, 4-6 mm long, the inner sepals 7-8 mm long, the awn shorter. Corolla nocturnal, lavender to purplish, 5-7.5 cm long, the tube 3-6 cm long, the limb funnel-shaped to salverform. Fruit capsular, ovoid, 1.8-2 cm long. Seeds ovoid, black, glabrous.

    Fl. Per.: September

    Type: India, Suratt, Braad, LINN 218.18 (microfiche!).

    B-7 Kashmir: Leepa Vy. road, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor 6133 (KUH), C-7 Rawalpindi Dist.: Matore, near Kahuta M.A. Siddiqi 1318 (RAW): Rawalpindi, Topi Park, R.R. Stewart 15074, 17108 (RAW), Topi Park, Mohindar Nath 1151 (RAW), Topi Park, Muriel Charles 5 (RAW), Swat: below Karakar Pass, R.R. Stewart & E. Nasir 1319 (RAW).

    Distribution: Pantropical, although probably originally from Mexico.

    This is cultivated for ornament in several countries. Seeds are used in medicine.


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