Sisymbrium daghestanicum Vas.
Annual or biennial, up to 60 cm tall, branched, hairy below and on leaves with simple hairs. Basal leaves rosulate, often withering before flowering, stalked, usually 4-5-jugate; terminal lobe triangular, oblong or lanceolate, often hastate. Racemes 15-25-flowered, up to 20 cm long in fruit. Flowers 5-6 mm across, yellowish. Pedicels 3-6 mm long, thickened. Sepals 4-5 mm long. Petals 7-9 (-10) mm long, 2-4 mm broad. Stamens 4-5: 5-6 mm long. Siliquae 50-100 mm long, 1 (-1.5) mm broad, straight, erect or ascending, linear-subcylindrical, usually slightly hairy when young but glabrous when mature; style 1-2 (-3) mm long, thickened with coronate sub-bilobed stigma; septum rigid; seeds 40-50 in each locule, c. 1 mm long, ellipsoid.
Fl. Per. : April-June.
Type: Described from Europe, 'Hab. in Orientale'.
Distribution: Europe, C and S.W. Asia, Pakistan and Kashmir.
Smaller pedicels, 3-6 mm long, and different leaf lobes distinguishes it from the previous species. A variable species in hairiness and S. dagestanicum Vas. with somewhat rigid hairs, is not different from it. It seems to be rare in our area.