8. Schoenoplectus praelongatus (Poir.) J. Raynal, Adansonia. 16:148. 1976; Kukkonen in Rech. f., l.c. 35.
Scirpus praelongatus Poir. in Lam., Encycl. Meth. Bot. 6: 764. 1804; Uniyal & al., Cyperaceae of Uttar Pradesh: 55 (1997, as S. articulatus). Täckholm, Student's Fl. Egypt: Pl. 286. 1974.
Annual, 10-50 cm, forming tufts. Root system small. Stem 2-20 cm, shorter than lowest bract, terete, 2-5 mm diam., greyish green. Sheaths 2(-3), upper c. as long as stem, lower shorter, mouth oblique, margin narrowly scarious; blades usually reduced to mucro, in upper sheath occasionally elongated, to c. 7 mm. Inflorescence congested, sphaerical group of from 7 to c. 30 sessile spikes, 10-25 mm diam.; lowest bract 4-36 cm, terete, 2-5 mm diam., articulated, greyish green. Spikes 5-12 x 3-4 mm, ovoid or elongate ovoid; glumes 3.5-4.5 mm, mid-nerve area wide, at first green, with 3-5 nerves extending into short mucro, sides obscurely nerved, greyish brown or brown, margins scarious, apex rounded. Perianth bristles 0; stamens 3, anthers c. 0.7 mm; stigmas 3. Nut 1.4-1.6 x 1.1-1.3 mm, widely obovoid, trigonous, edges rather sharp, sides concave, surface transversely finely rugulose, dark brown to blackish brown, semi-glossy.
Fl. Per.: March.
Holotype: "Inde", L.M.A. Du Petit-Thouars s.n. (P) isotype (P) Raynal in Adansonia 16:148, 1976.
Punjab, Drummond 24928 (K); Sind, Pinwill (K).
On wet ground, at pools and ditches; Distribution: From Pakistan to Vietnam, Philippines and Australia.
Description based primarily on Pinwill specimen and on Drummond 24928 from Punjab (K).