Brassica rapa subsp. campestris (Linn.) Clapham in Fl. Brit. Isles, ed. 2: 124. 1962.
Vern. Sarson.
Brassica campestris Linn.Brassica rapa var. campestris (Linn.) Peterm.
Annual with slender, not tuberous tap root. Siliqua with beak 1/2-1/3 as long as the valves; seeds smaller, c 1.5 mm in diam.
Fl. Per.: Jan-March.
Type: Described from Europe.
Distribution: Frequently found as weed (or wild?) in Europe and C. Asia; introduced elsewhere. Rare as an escape from cultivation in our area. Many varieties may be found cultivated for their oilseeds within the area.
It may be confused with Brassica napus subsp. napus, both having slender tap roots, but its grass green colour of leaves and flowers overtopping the buds with golden yellow colour may distinguish it.
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