Pharnaceum cerviana Linn.
Annual up to 15 cm tall. Stem ascending, branched, glabrous, wiry. Leaves up to 11 per node, linear, 0.6-2.0 cm long, c. 1 mm broad; stipules caducous. Pedicel up to 14 mm long, slender, glabrous. Bracts linear, c. 1 mm long. Sepals free, up to 2 mm long in fruit, slightly inflexed, margin white, elliptic-oblong. Stamens 5, alternating with the sepals; filaments dilated at the base, slightly longer than the sepals. Ovary c. 1.1 mm long, ovoid. Stigmas 3, short. Capsule sub-globose, c. 2.5 mm broad, slightly longer than the sepals, dehiscing by 3 valves; valves slightly retuse. Seed less than 1 mm, slightly curved, light brown, reticulate and shiny.
Fl. Per.: September-November.
Type locality: Described from Germany, Russia and Spain (Linn. 387/1).
Distribution: S. Europe, Greece, Rumania, S. Russia, Siberia, Arabia, Tropical Africa, Galapagos Islands, Australia, Ceylon, India and Pakistan.
A delicate herb bearing a superficial resemblance to the Caryophyl¬laceous Spergula. Said to have medicinal properties.