Trifolium resupinatum Linn., Sp.Pl. 771. 1753. Baker in Hook.f.,Fl. Brit.Ind.2 :86.1876.
Procumbent, ascending or erect annual, glabrous. Leaflets 7-30 mm long, obovate-cuneate. Inflorescence a peduncled head, 1.0-1.5 cm wide, globose, many flowered, without an involucre. Peduncle longer than the subtending leaf. Calyx inflated in fruit, 5-10 mm long, glabrous to subglabrous. Corolla pink to reddish purple, resupinate. Vexillum 6-10 mm long. Fruit shortly ovoid, enclosed by inflated calyx.
Types: Described from England and Belgium, Herb. Linn.930/52 (LINN); Hort. Cliff. (BM).
Distribution: Pakistan; Afghanistan; Syria; Iraq; Turkey; Egypt; N.Africa; Southern USSR; introduced in W. & C. Europe, probably native of S.Europe.
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