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Pakistan | Family List | Umbelliferae | Zosima

Zosima absinthifolia (Vent.) Link, Pl. Umb. 145. 1814. Rech. f. & Riedl in Biol. Skr. 13, 4: 133. 1963.

  • Heracleum absinthifolium Vent.
  • Tordylium absinthifolium Pers.
  • Zosima orientalis Hoffm.

    Plants 40 cm to 1 m tall, pubescent. Root thick. Stem base fibrous. Leaves densely pubescent, tripinnate, 5-35 cm long; ultimate segments linear to lanceo¬late, up to 1 cm long. Involucre of 3-6 densely pubescent bracts. Rays 10 to numerous, stout, hirsute, up to 15 cm long at the fruiting stage. Involucel of 5-8 densely pubescent linear bractlets. Ovary pubescent; styles slender. Fruit pedicels up to 1.5 cm long. Fruit elliptic to obovate, 9-12 mm long, 6-8 mm broad; margin tumid.

    Type locality: Described from cultivated specimens; seeds originated from area between Baghdad and Kermanshah (Fl. USSR. 17: 267).

    Distribution: Middle East to Iran, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan and URSS.


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  • Illustration (M.Y. Saleem)
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