Zosima gilliana Rech. f. & Riedl in Biol. Skr. 13, 4: 134. 1963.
Plants up to 50 cm tall, pubescent. Root thick. Stem base fibrous. Leaves long petioled, tripinnate; pinnae few, tripartite to trisect; segments cuneate to flabellate. Peduncles 30-40 cm long. Umbels terminal. Involucre and involucel of linear pubescent bracts and bractlets. Rays 25-35, pubescent. Petals white, outer surface slightly pubescent. Ovary pubescent. Fruit elliptic to orbicular, 6-7 mm long; margin tumid, corky, separated from the seed by a hyaline area.
Type: Afghanistan, Gilli 2041 (W).
Distribution: Afghanistan, W. Pakistan.
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