Sisymbrium nudum (Bel. ex Boiss.) Boiss
Annual, 5-15 cm tall, erect or suberect, ± hairy below and glabrous above, simple rarely branched from the base. Rosette leaves oblong-obovate, spathulate or oblong-lanceolate, 5-15 mm long, 2-6 mm broad, sessile or subsessile, entire or obscurely sparsely toothed, hairy with short, branched hairs. Scapes 5-10 (-15)-flowered, lax, ebiacteate. Flowers c. 3 mm across, pale yellow, often turning white when dried; pedicels up to 3 (-5) mm long in fruit, thickened, ± erect. Sepals c. 2 mm long. Petals c. 2.5 (-3) mm long, 0.7 (-1) mm broad. Stamens c. 2:2.5 mm long. Siliquae linear-oblong, 15-25 mm long, 0.7-1 mm broad; erect, usually slightly curved, glabrous, compressed, apex obtuse or subobtuse; valves with a distinct mid-vein; stigma minute, depressed, subsessile or sessile; septum not veined; seeds 7-12 in each locule, c. 1 mm long, oblong.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Armenia, C. Koch (LE).
Distribution: Himalayas, C. Asia, Pakistan, westward to Turkey.