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Pakistan | Family List | Fumariaceae | Corydalis

Corydalis rupestris Kotschy ex Boiss., Diagn. Ser. I. 6: 8. 1845. Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 131. 1867; Burkill, List Fl. Pl. Baluch. (reprinted) 7. 1956; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 291.

Corydalis rupestris

Credit: Azmat

Short rigid perennial, 7-10 cm tall, glabrous, glaucous, with thickened rootstock, and scapes not exceeding the radical leaves. Leaves narrow, elongated, bipinnatisect, with usually 5 distant and similar pinnae and petiole about as long as the lamina; pinnae ± 3 lobed with each lobe deeply ± 3 lobuled (ultimate segments); lobules minute, ovate-oblong, obtuse, sometimes further dissected., 3-5 mm long, 1-2 mm broad. Scapes naked below (leafless), 5-10 flowered, with flowers often turned towards one side; bracts small, linear-lanceolate, entire. Flowers (12-) 15-20 mm long, yellow with small, sac-like or subglobose spur, c. 2.5 mm long; outer petals apex broad, winged. Capsule c. 15 mm long, 5 mm broad, elliptic, acute; seeds c. 3 mm in diam.

Fl.Per.: April-July.

Type: Iran, Kuhdela, Kotschy 507 (G).

Distribution: Iran and Pakistan.

This is the only species of Corydalis recorded so far from Baluchistan. More of it, especially those recorded from Afghanistan or Iran, may also be found here, provided a thorough search is made.


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