Platytaenia lasiocarpa ssp. thomsonii var. glabrior (C.B. Clarke) E. Nasir, comb. nov.
E. Nasir
Heracleum thomsonii var. glabrior C.B. Clarke
Plants shrubby, up to 70 cm tall; numerous stems from the base. Lowel and basal leaves petiolate, 10-20 cm long, pinnate; pinnae glabrous, cuneate, tripartite; upper leaves reduced. Umbels long pedunculate. Involucre of linear bracts. Rays 6-10, 2-3 cm long. Involucel of 5-8 linear bractlets. Fruit minutely pubescent; oblong, 5-6 mm long.
Type locality : Kashmir.
Distribution: Afghanistan, Himalayas in India and W. Pakistan.
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