Ranunculus tenellus Jacquem. Ined. Stewart
Differt a Ranunculus munroanus Drumm. omnibus partibus multo minoribus, pedunculis basalibus vel axillaribus 1-3 cm longis filiformibus, subglabris, foliis 5-8 (-10) mm tantum latis, floribus 5-6 mm in diametro latis, nuculis in styli basin gradatim attenuates sed stylo filiformi manifeste ab ovario distincto nec compresso, a Ranunculus natante C.A. Mey. Praeterea foliis usque ad basin fere tripartitis stylo longiore.
Perennial 2-5 cm high, roots fibrous, elongated, fairly equal. Stems absent or creeping and rooting at nodes, giving rise to axillary peduncles, glabrous or subglabrous. Leaves wider than long, 5-8 (-10) mm wide, tru ncate at base, tripartite beyond middle or nearly to the base, segments ovate, sometimes strongly tapering basally, obtuse or acutish, lateral segments bilobed or entire, petioles up to 5 times as long as lamina. Peduncles either arising from the very base or axillary at the nodes of creeping, rarely ascending stems with shortly stalked diminuitive leaves. Peduncles sometimes sparsely hairy in their uppermost part, 1-3 cm long. Flowers c. 5 mm in diameter, single.
Sepals glabrous or subglabrous, obovate to obovate-oblong, equalling the petals in length. Petals narrower than sepals, yellowish. Fruitlets forming a small globose to ellipsoidal head, numerous, arranged along the elongate, glabrous, receptacle, inflated, ± 0.7 mm long, abruptly tapering into the filiform, ± erect to subpatent style equalling ,2/3rd of the achenes length.
Fl. Per.: June-July.
Type: Kunawur: Inter muscos in humidis supra Kainun, Jacquemont 706 (K).
Kashmir: B-8 Kamri, 10,000', in shade of rocks, R.R. Stewart & E. Nasir 22720 (RAW).
Distribution: N .W. & W. Himalaya.
This species has been overlooked or included in other species, so that its general distribution is not clear. Presently it is known mainly from the western parts of the Himalaya.