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3. Carex subg. Carex

Subg. Dichostachys Dumortier, Fl. Belg.: 146. 1827.

1 (1) Pistillate flowers di-stigmatic.   (1)
+ Pistillate flowers tri-stigmatic.   (2)
2 (2) In lower bract axils a single peduncled spike; terminal spikes male.   (2)
+ In lower bract axils several peduncled spikes; all spikes androgynous.   (3)
3 (2) Plants 10-60 cm; leaves c. 1/2 of stem length; bracts mostly not longer than their spike; utricles 2-2.8 mm.   60 C. orbicularis
+ Plants 30-100 cm; leaves slightly shorter to longer than stem; bracts longer than their spike, equalling or longer than inflorescence; utricles 2.5-4.7 mm.   59 C. dimorpholepis
4 Lowest bract longer than its partial inflorescence; utricles scabrous along nerves and margins.   25 C. brunnea
+ Lowest bract shorter than its partial inflorescence; utricles glabrous.   26 C. longicruris
5 (5) No entirely staminate spikes present or not easily distinguished from pistillate spikes (entirely male spikes occasionally in many species).   (5)
+ Entirely staminate spikes clearly differentiated.   (6)
6 (6) Inflorescence a compact group of sessile or subsessile, erect spikes.   (6)
+ Inflorescence lax, more or less nodding; at least lowest spikes pedunculate, often remote.   (7)
7 (7) Spikes large, at least the terminal > 10 mm; utricles 2.5-3 mm, leaves 2.5-5 mm wide.   (7)
+ Spikes < 10 mm; utricles 1.5-3 mm; leaves 1.5-3 mm wide.   (8)
8 (7) Terminal spike longer than the others; female glumes c. 2.5 mm.   50 C. decaulescens
+ Terminal spike not longer than the others; female glumes 4-6 mm.   54 C. melanantha
9 Plants 5-50(-100) cm; leaves 1/2-2/3 of stem length, 1.5-3.5 mm wide; utricles 2-3.7 mm, beak 0.3-0.8 mm.   52 C. infuscata
+ Plants 3-12 cm; leaves shorter to as long as stem, 0.5-2.5 mm wide; utricles 1.8-2.5 mm, beak c. 0.1 mm.   (10)
10 (9) Leaves c. 0.5 mm wide; female glumes 2.5-3 mm; utricles glossy.   47 C. borii
+ Leaves 1.5-2.5 mm wide; female glumes 1.6-1.7 mm; utricles papillose, not glossy.   58 C. pseudobicolor
11 (11) Leaves long, more or less equalling stem length.   (11)
+ Leaves short, c. 1/2 of stem length; blades 1-9 mm; lowest bracts with long sheath or sheath-less.   (12)
12 (12) Female glumes 1.2-2.5 mm; utricles 2-2.7 mm.   (12)
+ Female glumes 2.3-4.3 mm; utricles 4-5.2 mm; ligule 0.7-1.3 mm.   (13)
13 (12) Female glumes 1.2-1.7 mm, blunt; utricles c. 2 mm, beak very short, c. 0.1 mm.   53 C. lehmannii
+ Female glumes 1.8-2.5 mm, acute or mucronate; utricles 2.2-2.7 mm, beak cylindrical, up to 0.3 mm.   57 C. obscura
14 Ligule to 0.7 mm; female glumes 3.9-4.3 mm; utricles 4-4.2 mm, with 0.1-0.2 mm beak.   55 C. duthiei
+ Ligule to 1.3 mm; female glumes 2.5-3.3 mm; utricles 4-5.2 mm, with 1-2 mm beak.   44 C. psychrophila
15 Spikes club-shaped; utricles spherical or widely elongated, tightly aggregated, beak 0.3-1 mm; arch of ligule shallow, broader than high.   56 C. nivalis
+ Spikes cylindrical or ellipsoid; utricles narrowly ellipsoid, reflexed and not tightly aggregated, beak 1-1.5 mm; arch of ligule high, higher than wide.   41 C. cruenta
16 (16) Utricles variously hairy, mostly rather small.   (16)
+ Utricles glabrous (occasionally sparsely setose in C. flacca, C. stenocarpa and C. turkestanica).   (17)
17 (17) Utricles 5-7(-8) mm; mostly rather tall plants, 25-80 cm.   (17)
+ Utricles 2-5(-5.5) mm; mostly rather small plants, (2.5-) 10-60(-70) cm.   (18)
18 (17) Utricles 6.2-7.8, beak 1.7-2.2 mm, nut c. 4.2 mm.   43 C. plectobasis
+ Utricles (3.7)4-5.2, beak 0.3-1.3 mm; nut 2-3 mm.   (19)
19 (18) Utricles (3.7-)4-5.2 mm, beak 0.3-0.8 mm; nut 3-3.7 mm.   51 C. haematostoma
+ Utricles 3.8-4 mm, beak 0.9-1.3 mm; nut 2.2 x 1.2 mm.   42 C. kashmirensis
20 (20) Utricles 3-5(-5.5) mm; spikes mostly elongate, lax; female glumes usually shorter than utricles; ligule mostly scarcely arched (arched in C. hymenolepis).   (20)
+ Utricles 1.7-3.2 mm; spikes mostly globose, compact; female glumes longer than utricles; ligule mostly clearly arched.   (21)
21 (21) Utricles 3-3.7 mm; female glumes 2.7-3.1 mm, shorter than utricles.   (21)
+ Utricles 3-5.1(-5.5) mm; female glumes 3.5-6 mm, longer than utricles.   (22)
22 (22) Leaves longer than stem; spikes long, cylindrical and compact.   (22)
+ Leaves c. 1/3 of stem; spikes fusiform or club-shaped, lax.   45 C. setosa
23 Glumes long aristate.   35 C. hymenolepis
+ Glumes mucronate.   20 C. hebecarpa
24 Spikes elongated, compact; stem 1-1.5 mm diam.; lowest bract sheathless; utricles suberous.   19 C. fedia
+ Spikes elongated or globular, compact or lax; stem 0.5-1(-1.5) mm diam.; lowest bract vaginate (in C.halleriana sheath-less); utricles not suberous.   (25)
25 (24) Leaves 2.5-4.5 mm wide; bracts shorter than their spike.   34 C. oligocarya
+ Leaves 0.5-2.5 mm wide; bracts from equalling spike (C. cardiolepis) to longer than inflorescence.   (26)
26 (25) Leaves 1-2.5 mm wide; lowest bract equalling its spike; utricles 3-4.3 mm, beak 0.3 mm.   32 C. cardiolepis
+ Leaves 0.5-1.5 mm; lowest bract equalling or overtopping inflorescence; utricles 4.5-5.5 mm, beak 0.5-1 mm.   (27)
27 (26) Plants stoloniferous; stem 0.5-0.8 mm diam.; female glume 3.5-4.5 mm; no gynobasic female spikes.   33 C. chitralensis
+ Plants caespitose; stem 1-1.5 mm diam.; lowest bracts to equalling inflorescence; female glumes 4.5-5.8 mm; tufts with gynobasic female spikes.   31 C. halleriana
28 Style base surrounded by collar (annulus, mitra); female glumes with arista to 2 mm.   39 C. royleana
+ Style base without collar; female glumes acute or arista to 1 mm (C. inanis).   (29)
29 (28) Utricles 1.7-2.3 mm; male glumes acute to mucronate; female glumes acute.   38 C. griersonii
+ Utricles 2.2-2.7 mm; male glumes mucronate to aristate; female glumes acute or aristate.   (30)
30 (29) Female glumes acute; utricles conspicuously setose.   36 C. schlagintweitiana
+ Female glumes aristate; upper part of utricles setose.   37 C. inanis
31 (31) Bracts shorter than inflorescence; leaves shorter than stem; mostly plants of dry localities.   (31)
+ Bracts equalling or longer than inflorescence; leaves mostly equalling stem or longer; mostly plants of moist localities.   (32)
32 (32) Female spikes black, +-globular, drooping, grouped close together; ligule claerly arched.   (32)
+ Female spikes not black, if drooping then not globular, mostly not grouped closely together; ligule scarcely arched.   (33)
33 (32) Leaves 1-1.4 mm wide; utricles not papillose lustrous, beak-less.   48 C. montis-everesti
+ Leaves 2-5 mm wide; utricles papillose, not lustrous; beak cylindrical, 0.2-0.5 mm.   49 C. atrofusca
34 Bracts shorter than their spike, sheath 30-40 mm; utricles 4.1-7 mm, beak 1.5-2.3 mm; female glumes 3.7-5.7 mm.   46 C. stenocarpa
+ Bracts as long as their spike or longer, sheath 0-30 mm; utricles 2.7-4 mm (in C. turkestanica 3.8-4.6 mm), beak 0.3-1.6 mm; female glumes 2-3.7 mm (in C. turkestanica 3.3-4.6 mm).   (35)
35 (34) Plants slender, occasionally to 60 cm, caespitose, without stolons; female spikes 8-15 x 1.1-1.2 mm, drooping, peduncles slender; terminal spike frequently androgynous.   24 C. karoi
+ Plants sturdy, 5-25 cm; rhizome long, stoloniferous; female spikes 5-18 x 3-6 mm, erect, peduncles sturdy; terminal spike male or rarely gynecandrous.   40 C. turkestanica
36 (36) Aquatic plants, 30-130 cm; stem 0.8-3.5 mm diam; basal sheaths 50-200 mm; leaves 2-10 mm wide; female spikes 20-100 mm; bracts sheath-less.   (36)
+ Not primarily aquatic plants, 20-80 cm; stem 0.5-2.2 mm diam.; basal sheaths 5-50 mm; leaves 1.5-5 mm wide; female spikes 3-38 mm; bracts sheath-less or with sheaths.   (37)
37 (36) Leaves 6-10 mm wide; utricles 4.7-5.4 mm, not conspicuously inflated.   22 C. pseudocyperus
+ Leaves 2-6 mm wide; utricles 3-8 mm, inflated, when shorter than 4 mm, then not inflated.   (38)
38 (37) Leaves 4-6 mm wide; stem 1.5-3 mm diam.; utricles 3-4 mm, papillose, not inflated.   18 C. acutiformis
+ Leaves 2-5 mm wide; stem 0.8-2 mm diam.; utricles 4-8 mm, inflated, not papillose.   21 C. pamirica
39 Plants 35-80 cm, with short rhizome; female spikes 12-30 mm, lax; utricles 6.2-6.5 mm, with beak 3-3.2 mm.   28 C. lateralis
+ Plants 15-60 cm, caespitose or stoloniferous; utricles 2.5-5 mm, with beak 0.1-1.3 mm.   (40)
40 (39) Plants stoloniferous; stem and abaxial side of leaves papillose; utricles glabrous or hispid, papillose, with short beak (0-) 0.1-0.3 mm.   27 C. flacca
+ Plants caespitose or stoloniferous; stem, leaves and utricles glabrous; beak 0.5-1.5 mm.   (41)
41 (40) Plants stoloniferous; ligule 0.5-0.7 mm; female glumes equalling or longer than utricles; utricles suberous.   23 C. songorica
+ Plants without stolons; ligule 0.2-0.4 mm; female glumes shorter than utricles; utricles membranous.   (42)
42 (41) Female spikes 5-25 mm, cylindrical, mostly remote, at least lowest with a peduncle to 35 mm.   29 C. diluta
+ Female spikes 3-10 mm, globose or slightly elongated, sessile or subsessile, lowest occasionally remote and with a peduncle to 10 mm.   30 C. serotina


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