1 |
Costa ending well before the apex; leaf tip rounded to cucullate, muticous; lamina uniformly 1-stratose; laminal cells all quadrate. |
42 Grimmia mollis |
+ |
Costa reaching apex; leaf tip rounded to acute, muticous or awned; lamina usually with 2-stratose areas towards margins or with 2-stratose ridges; laminal cells oblate, quadrate, rectangular or elongate |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Seta eccentrically attached to capsule base; capsule immersed, smooth, ventricose; stomata 3-4, large, at base of capsule (subg. Gasterogrimmia) |
(3) |
+ |
Seta centrally attached to capsule base; capsule immersed to exserted, smooth to plicate, not ventricose; stomata none to many, small, at neck to base of capsule |
(6) |
3 (2) |
Distal leaves concave-keeled; distal lamina 1-stratose or with 2-stratose patches, margins 1- or 2-stratose; annulus absent or reduced to 1-2 rows of small cells; operculum mammillate |
(4) |
+ |
Distal leaves concave; distal lamina 2-stratose with 2-stratose margins; annulus prominent; operculum rostrate |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Peristome present, annulus absent; distal lamina 1-stratose, margins 1- or 2- stratose |
1 Grimmia plagiopodia |
+ |
Peristome absent, annulus present; distal lamina 1-stratose with 2-stratose patches, margins 2-stratose. |
2 Grimmia anodon |
5 (3) |
Basal laminal cells thick-walled; gonioautoicous; peristome fully developed. |
3 Grimmia americana |
+ |
Basal laminal cells thin-walled; dioicous; peristome rudimentary. |
4 Grimmia crinitoleucophaea |
6 (2) |
Leaves merely 1-stratose distally; margins at most narrowly 2-stratose; one or both leaf margins recurved (G. reflexidens plane) (mostly subg. Rhabdogrimmia) |
(7) |
+ |
Leaves 2-3-stratose distally or 1-stratose with distal margins widely 2-stratose (G. sessitana and some G. donniana); leaf margins incurved, plane or recurved |
(26) |
7 (6) |
Costa projecting on abaxial side with two wings. |
39 Grimmia ramondii |
+ |
Costa on abaxial side smooth or angled |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Leaves muticous, without awns or only distal leaves with very short awn or hyaline tip |
(9) |
+ |
At least distal or perichaetial leaves with distinct awns |
(13) |
9 (8) |
Leaves cucullate. |
17 Grimmia atrata (in part) |
+ |
Leaves not cucullate |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Leaves squarrose when moist; medial laminal cells oblate to rounded quadrate |
34 Grimmia lisae (in part) |
+ |
Leaves erect to patent when moist; medial laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Basal marginal cells with thickened transverse walls; seta arcuate; globular gemmae occasionally present on leaves. |
41 Grimmia trichophylla (in part) |
+ |
Basal marginal cells with thin transverse walls; seta straight or slightly arcuate; gemmae absent |
(12) |
12 (11) |
One leaf margin recurved; medial laminal cells sinuose; seta straight or slightly arcuate |
9 Grimmia elongata |
+ |
Leaf margins both recurved; medial laminal cells with nodulose walls; seta straight. |
25 Grimmia lesherae |
13 (8) |
Awns nearly equal to or much longer than lamina, decurrent, seta straight to flexuose |
(14) |
+ |
Awns typically shorter than lamina (G. pulvinata can be long); decurrent or not; seta arcuate to cygneous |
(15) |
14 (13) |
Awns 1-2 mm, leaf margins plane, [seta straight]; only known from Maritime provinces in North America. |
12 Grimmia reflexidens |
+ |
Awns 2-4 mm, leaf margins both recurved; seta flexuose; endemic to Montana and Idaho. |
28 Grimmia brittoniae |
15 (13) |
Leaves abruptly narrowed to awns, apex rounded; autoicous |
(16) |
+ |
Leaves gradually tapering to awns, apex narrowed; dioicous |
(18) |
16 (15) |
Operculum rostrate; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular |
38 Grimmia pulvinata |
+ |
Operculum mammillate to conical; basal marginal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Awns only on perichaetial leaves; basal juxtacostal cells with thin, straight walls; marginal distal lamina 2-stratose; acidic rocks. |
35 Grimmia moxleyi |
+ |
Awns on all distal leaves; basal juxtacostal cells with thick, nodulose walls; marginal distal lamina 1-stratose; basic rocks. |
37 Grimmia orbicularis |
18 (15) |
Clusters of gemmae easily visible on abaxial side of leaf lamina or on leaf tips |
(19) |
+ |
Clusters of gemmae absent or in obscure clusters in leaf axils |
(21) |
19 (18) |
Multicellalar gemmae on abaxial side of leaf lamina in distal leaves; leaves crisped and contored. |
40 Grimmia torquata |
+ |
Cluster of gemmae only on leaf tips; leaves straight |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Leaves with blunt eroded apices; distal cells with pseudo- papillose walls; stem central strand present. |
26 Grimmia anomala |
+ |
Leaves with acuminate apices; distal cells with smooth walls; stem central strand absent. |
31 Grimmia hartmanii |
21 (18) |
Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, distinctly incurved or contorted when dry. |
32 Grimmia incurva |
+ |
Leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, straight, appressed, only occasionally somewhat contorted when dry |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Central strand absent; basal juxtacostal leaf cells uniformly elongate to linear, strongly nodulose and thick-walled; mid leaf cells extremely sinuose and very thick-walled; leaf margins both recurved |
(23) |
+ |
Central strand present; basal juxtacostal cells short- to long-rectangular, elongate cells absent or few and scattered; mid leaf cells straight to sinuose, thin- to thick-walled; leaf margins one or both recurved |
(24) |
23 (22) |
Costa circular, projecting in transverse section; basal marginal cells thin-walled; distal leaves straight, awns not decurrent. |
27 Grimmia attenuata |
+ |
Costa semicircular, not projecting in transverse section; basal marginal cells thick-walled; distal leaves often secund, awns often decurrent |
33 Grimmia leibergii |
24 (22) |
Leaves squarrose when moist; mid leaf cells rounded to oblate, straight. |
34 Grimmia lisae (in part) |
+ |
Leaves erect to patent when moist; mid leaf cells rounded-quadrate to short-rectangular, sinuose |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Blackish green tufts; costa angled or bluntly winged in transverse section; awns denticulate, occasionally decurrent; capsule globose, brown. |
36 Grimmia muehlenbeckii |
+ |
Yellowish green tufts; costa semicircular in transverse section; awns smooth to slightly denticulate, not decurrent; capsule oblong-ovoid, yellow-green |
41 Grimmia trichophylla (in part) |
26 (6) |
Leaves concave; costa not prominent; margins plane or incurved; dioicous (subg. Litoneuron) |
(27) |
+ |
Leaves keeled; costa prominent; margins recurved, plane or incurved; autiocous or dioicous (mostly subg. Guembelia) |
(33) |
27 (26) |
All leaves muticous, straight or falcate |
(28) |
+ |
At least distal leaves awned, straight |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Leaves oblong-lanceolate to ligulate, straight, cucullate, obtuse-rounded; basal marginal laminal cells short-rectangular; widely distributed. |
18 Grimmia unicolor |
+ |
Leaves oblong-lanceolate, homomallous-falcate, subulate, uncinate; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; endemic to Pacific Coast region. |
19 Grimmia hamulosa |
29 (27) |
Leaves oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate; basal marginal laminal cells oblate to quadrate; costa broad at base; awn broadly attached and decurrent. |
24 Grimmia laevigata |
+ |
Leaves ovate-lanceolate from an ovate base; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to long-rectangular; costa narrow at base; awn typically narrowly attached and not decurrent |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Costa-like multistratose leaf bands present in transverse section. |
23 Grimmia serrana |
+ |
Costa-like multistratose leaf bands absent |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Capsule emergent, gymnostomous, stomata absent, operculum mammilate; basal laminal cells uniformly short-rectangular, straight and thin-walled. |
22 Grimmia nevadensis |
+ |
Capsule exserted, peristome fully developed, stomata present, operculum rostrate; basal marginal and juxtacostal laminal cells typically contrasting in length or thickness |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Basal marginal laminal cells quadrate; basal juxtacostal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; seta sigmoid; capsule wrinkled when dry; perichaetial leaves not enlarged; endemic to eastern North America. |
20 Grimmia olneyi |
+ |
Basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to long-rectangular; basal juxtacostal laminal cells rectangular to elongate; seta straight; capsule smooth when dry; perichaetial leaves enlarged; widely distributed. |
21 Grimmia ovalis |
33 (26) |
Margins plane or incurved |
(34) |
+ |
Margins recurved on one or both sides |
(44) |
34 (33) |
Costa transverse section circular distally; awn hyaline-tipped to short (0.3 mm), decurrent |
13 Grimmia teretinervis |
+ |
Costa transverse section semicircular distally; awn short to long, usually prominent, decurrent or not |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Seta arcuate; leaves spirally curved around stem when dry, flagelliform innovations present |
30 Grimmia funalis (in part) |
+ |
Seta straight; leaves straight when dry, flagelliform innovations absent |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Gemmae abundant on adaxial distal leaf surface. |
43 Grimmia shastae |
+ |
Gemmae absent on leaves |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Distal laminal cells bulging |
(38) |
+ |
Distal laminal cells not bulging |
(40) |
38 (37) |
Leaf margins plane; cladautoicous; basal juxtacostal laminal cells rectangular to elongate; distal juxtacostal laminal cells 1-stratose; stomata present. |
10 Grimmia sessitana (in part) |
+ |
Leaf margins incurved; dioicous; basal juxtacostal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; distal juxtacostal laminal cells 2-stratose; stomata present or absent |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Stomata absent; leaves not plicate, not cucullate. |
6 Grimmia alpestris (in part) |
+ |
Stomata present; leaves weakly to rarely strongly plicate distally, cucullate |
11 Grimmia caespiticia |
40 (37) |
Margins plane throughout; basal marginal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular; stomata present; autoicous |
(41) |
+ |
Margins incurved distally; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; stomata absent; dioicous |
(42) |
41 (40) |
Distal juxtaxcostal laminal cells 2-stratose, occasionally 1-stratose; basal marginal leaf cells long-rectangular, hyaline; annulus large, of 2 rows of rectangular cells, revoluble; calyptra mitrate. |
8 Grimmia donniana |
+ |
Distal juxtacostal laminal cells 1-stratose; basal marginal leaf cells short- to long-rectangular, rarely hyaline; annulus small, of 1 row of quadrate cells, not revoluble; calyptra cucullate. |
10 Grimmia sessitana (in part) |
42 (40) |
Capsule immersed to emergent, wide-mouthed, peristome rudimentary; endemic to California. |
7 Grimmia mariniana |
+ |
Capsule exserted, narrow-mouthed, peristome present, fully developed; widespread in western North America |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Basal juxtacostal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular, distinct from quadrate to short-rectangular basal marginal cells; medial laminal cells rounded, thick-walled. |
5 Grimmia montana |
+ |
Basal juxtacostal and marginal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, basal areolation relatively uniform; medial laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, thin-walled. |
6 Grimmia alpestris (in part) |
44 (33) |
Leaves muticous, cucullate. |
17 Grimmia atrata (in part) |
+ |
Leaves awned, not cucullate |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Leaves spirally curved around stem when dry, flagelliform innovations present. |
30 Grimmia funalis (in part) |
+ |
Leaves straight when dry, flagelliform innovations absent |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Sporophytes present |
(47) |
+ |
Sporophytes absent |
(51) |
47 (46) |
Capsule immersed |
(48) |
+ |
Capsule exserted |
(49) |
48 (47) |
Stem central strand present, epidermis thin; leaf margins 2-stratose, not thickened, one margin recurved (rarely both); leaves broadly ovate- lanceolate. |
15 Grimmia arizonae (in part) |
+ |
Stem central strand absent, epidermis thick; leaf margins 3(-4) stratose, thicker than juxtacostal lamina, usually both margins recurved; leaves narrowly lanceolate from an ovate base. |
16 Grimmia pilifera (in part) |
49 (47) |
Seta arcuate; dioicous. |
29 Grimmia elatior (in part) |
+ |
Seta straight; autoicous |
(50) |
50 (49) |
Annulus small, 1 row of quadrate cells; stomata in 1 row; basal juxtacostal cells straight and thin-walled. |
10 Grimmia sessitana (in part) |
+ |
Annulus prominent, 2 rows of rectangular cells; stomata in 2-3 rows; basal juxtacostal cells sinuose and thick walled. |
14 Grimmia longirostris (in part) |
51 (46) |
Basal juxtacostal cells straight, thin-walled; distal juxtacostal lamina 1-stratose, cells often bulging; plants small (less than 1 cm), blackish; moist, alpine habitats. |
10 Grimmia sessitana (in part) |
+ |
Basal juxtacostal cells sinuose, thick-walled; distal juxtacostal lamina at least 2-stratose, cells not bulging; plants robust (greater than 1cm), yellow-green to very dark olivaceous; dry, widely distributed |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Leaf margins 2-stratose, not thickened; stem central strand present, epidermis thin |
(53) |
+ |
Leaf margins multistratose and thickened; stem central strand absent, epidermis thick |
(54) |
53 (52) |
Autoicous; costa transverse section reniform; leaves sheathing; widely distributed. |
14 Grimmia longirostris (in part) |
+ |
Dioicous; costa transverse section semicircular; leaves not sheathing; American Southwest |
15 Grimmia arizonae (in part) |
54 (52) |
Leaves narrowly lanceolate from an ovate base, usually narrowly recurved on both margins; distal lamina without multistratose bands, never papillose. |
16 Grimmia pilifera (in part) |
+ |
Leaves broadly lanceolate, broadly recurved on one margin; distal lamina with multistratose bands, occasionally papillose |
29 Grimmia elatior (in part) |