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Salicaceae Mirbel

杨柳科 yang liu ke

Authors: Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao & Alexei K. Skvortsov

Trees or shrubs, deciduous or rarely evergreen, dioecious, rarely polygamous. Leaves alternate, rarely subopposite, usually petiolate, simple; stipules persistent or caducous. Catkins erect or pendulous; each flower usually with a cupular disc or 1 or 2(or 3) nectariferous glands. Male flowers with 2-many stamens; filaments filiform, free or united; to connate; anthers 2(or 4)-loculed, dehiscing longitudinally. Female flowers with 1 pistil, sessile or stipitate; ovary superior, 1- or 2-loculed; ovules several to many, anatropous, with a 1 integument; style 1, 2 in Chosenia; stigmas 2-4. Capsule dehiscing by 2-4(or 5) valves; placenta and inside wall of ovary with long hairs. Seeds 4-numerous, glabrous; hairs and seeds simultaneously deciduous when capsule matures.

Three genera and about 620 species: mainly N hemisphere, a few in S hemisphere; three genera and 347 species (236 endemic) in China, including at least nine hybrids and at least one introduced species.

Wang Chan & Fang Cheng-fu, eds. 1984. Salicaceae. Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 20(2): 1-403.

1 Growth monopodial, buds with several outer scales, terminal bud present (except in Populus sect. Turanga); both male and female catkins pendulous; disc cupular; leaf blade usually 1-2 × as long as wide   1 Populus
+ Growth sympodial, buds with 1 scale, terminal bud absent; female catkin erect or spreading, very rarely pendulous; flowers without disc but glands sometimes connate and discoid; leaf blade often at least several × as long as wide.   (2)
2 (1) Male catkin pendulous; nectariferous gland absent; bases of filaments adnate to bracts   2 Chosenia
+ Male catkin erect; nectariferous gland present; filaments usually distinct from bracts (fused in Salix sect. Urbanianae)   3 Salix

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