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21. Astragalus sect. Brachycarpus Borissova in Komarov, Fl. URSS. 12: 877. 1946.

短果组 duan guo zu

Plants perennial with a slender, mostly branched caudex, acaulescent or nearly acaulescent or with well-developed, mostly slender, prostrate to ascending stems; hairs basifixed. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules shortly adnate to petiole or free, sometimes distinctly vaginate-connate behind stem. Racemes mostly distinctly pedunculate, capitate to shortly cylindric, densely few to many flowered, sometimes elongated in fruit. Flowers small, subsessile. Calyx campanulate to more rarely shortly tubular-campanulate. Petals violet, purplish, or yellow, glabrous; standard mostly without distinct claw; wings shorter than standard, limbs rounded or emarginate at tip; keel shorter than wings or all petals of nearly same length. Legumes small, globose to ovoid, mostly sessile, 2-locular or 1-locular, with thin walls, often distinctly cross-wrinkled. Seeds 2 or 4 or rarely few.

Thirty-six species: Afghanistan, China, India, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan; 24 species (18 endemic) in China.

1 Rachis at least with partly spreading hairs   (2)
+ Rachis with appressed or partly ascending hairs   (9)
2 (1) Some leaflets adaxially glabrous but most of them spreading hairy on both surfaces; wing limbs obtriangular, widest below widely retuse tip, ca. 3.5 × 2 mm; plants 3-4 cm tall.   140 A. malcolmii
+ Leaflets with appressed to ascending hairs, mostly glabrous adaxially; wing limbs oblong to obovate, relatively narrower; plants mostly distinctly taller   (3)
3 (2) Leaflets on both surfaces silvery hairy with ascending hairs up to 1 mm; standard ca. 8 mm.   138 A. luteiflorus
+ Leaflets adaxially glabrous   (4)
4 (3) Bracts 1-3 mm; calyx 3-4 mm   (5)
+ Bracts 3-6 mm; calyx at least 5 mm   (7)
5 (4) Leaflets in 6-9 pairs, 9-27 × 2-7 mm, at base of petiolule with crowded, minute, sessile glands; calyx covered with ascending predominantly black hairs; standard 8-10 mm, rounded to slightly emarginate; ovary and legumes hairy.   137 A. longiracemosus
+ Leaflets in 4-7 pairs, 4-8 × 1-3 mm or 6-20 × 1-3 mm, mostly folded, without minute sessile glands; calyx covered with subappressed to appressed white and black hairs; standard 7-8 mm; ovary (and legumes) glabrous or sparsely hairy   (6)
6 (5) Leaflets ca. 3 × as long as wide, 4-8 × 1-3 mm; peduncles covered with spreading white hairs; wing limbs obovate, rounded.   143 A. nanshanicus
+ Leaflets ca. 6 × as long as wide, 6-20 × 1-3 mm; peduncles covered with appressed and spreading predominantly black hairs; wing limbs narrowly oblong, obliquely emarginate.   148 A. pseudoversicolor
7 (4) Plants 15-35 cm tall; leaves 4-7 cm; leaflets ca. 5 × as long as wide, 10-20 × 2-4 mm; calyx ca. 4 mm; wing limbs deeply obliquely incised.   134 A. handelii
+ Plants 5-12 cm tall; leaves up to 4 cm; leaflets ca. 3 × as long as wide; calyx 5-6 mm; wing limbs truncate to retuse   (8)
8 (7) Calyx covered with ascending to spreading hairs up to 1 mm; standard limb widely ovate, abruptly contracted at base into short claw; wing limbs obliquely emarginate; legumes densely covered with ascending to spreading white and black hairs up to 1 mm.   142 A. mieheorum
+ Calyx covered with appressed to ascending hairs 0.3-0.6 mm; standard limb obovate, somewhat abruptly to gradually passing into claw; wing limbs rounded at apex; ovary glabrous (ripe legumes unknown).   153 A. valerii
9 (1) Leaflets obovate or triangular-obovate, at most 2 × as long as wide, apex mostly ± deeply and widely emarginate; legumes 1-locular.   141 A. melanostachys
+ Leaflets at apex acute to rounded, if slightly emarginate, then distinctly more than 2 × as long as wide; legumes incompletely to mostly completely 2-locular in all species with known fruits   (10)
10 (9) Wing limbs distinctly asymmetrically incised near tip; stems well developed, up to 10-20 cm   (11)
+ Wing limbs rounded to slightly retuse at tip   (13)
11 (10) Leaflets linear, 6-8 × as long as wide, 8-20 × 1.5-2.5 mm, loosely hairy adaxially; calyx 2.5-3 mm, with partly very short (less than 0.05 mm) hairs.   149 A. rytidocarpus
+ Leaflets wider, 3-5 × as long as wide, glabrous adaxially; calyx at least 3 mm with hairs 0.5-0.8 mm   (12)
12 (11) Stem rather densely covered with hairs 0.4-0.6 mm; bracts 4-5 mm; calyx 4-4.5 mm, with appressed to ascending hairs; limb of standard rounded at apex, base somewhat abruptly contracted into short claw.   150 A. sagastaigolensis
+ Stem loosely covered with hairs 0.1-0.3 mm; bracts 1-3 mm; calyx 3-4 mm, with appressed to subappressed hairs; limb of standard retuse to slightly emarginate at apex, base without distinct claw.   139 A. mahoschanicus
13 (10) Leaflets abaxially glabrous or only at midvein and margins with scattered hairs; stems glabrous or very sparsely hairy.   152 A. tulinovii
+ Leaflets abaxially sparsely to rather densely hairy; stems mostly distinctly hairy   (14)
14 (13) Limb of standard elliptic to rhombic-elliptic, apex deeply and widely incised; legumes obtriangular to globose, at tip widely truncate, 3.5-4 mm, ca. 2 mm high and 4-5 mm wide, strongly compressed from dorsal side, often wider than long.   151 A. thomsonii
+ Limb of standard only slightly retuse to emarginate at apex; legumes as high as wide (in all species with known legumes)   (15)
15 (14) Petals whitish to yellowish, at least when dry (in A. pseudojagnobicus sometimes slightly pale violet-suffused)   (16)
+ Petals violet or blue-violet also in dry state (in A. densiflorus sometimes pale violet or yellowish in dry state)   (20)
16 (15) At least stipules of lower leaves high connate behind stem.   146 A. pseudojagnobicus
+ All stipules free or lower ones very shortly connate   (17)
17 (16) Ovary and legumes hairy   (18)
+ Ovary (and legumes) glabrous   (19)
18 (17) Stems up to 20 cm, in upper part white and black hairy; rachis white and black hairy; leaflets elliptic, 15-25 × 6-13 mm; standard ca. 10 × 5-6 mm.   147 A. pseudomahoschanicus
+ Stems up to 10 cm, like rachis only white hairy; leaflets narrowly elliptic, 3-12 × 1-3 mm; standard 5-7 × up to 3.3 mm.   132 A. densiflorus
19 (17) All stipules ovate, black ciliate; leaflets in 4 or 5 pairs; calyx 4.5-5 mm with hairs 0.3-0.5 mm.   144 A. pishanxianensis
+ Upper stipules linear-acute, loosely white and black hairy; leaflets in 5-8 pairs; calyx 5-6 mm with hairs 0.5-1 mm.   130 A. athranthus
20 (15) Stipules glabrous or only ciliate   (21)
+ Stipules appressed hairy, at least those of upper leaves   (23)
21 (20) Plants 20-50 cm tall; leaves 4-9 cm; leaflets 7-20 × 2.5-6 mm; legumes smooth, covered with appressed to slightly ascending hairs.   136 A. kunlunensis
+ Plants up to 25 cm tall; leaves 2-4 cm, if up to 7 cm, then stems only 2-5 cm; leaflets 3-15 × 1-4 mm; legumes cross-wrinkled, covered with ± spreading hairs   (22)
22 (21) Stems mostly short, 2-5(-7) cm, loosely to rather densely hairy like leaflets abaxially; bracts 2-4 mm; calyx 3-4 mm, teeth 1.5-2 mm; limb of standard elliptic, ca. 3.2 mm wide.   132 A. densiflorus
+ Stems 10-25 cm, sparsely to loosely hairy, soon glabrescent; leaflets abaxially sparsely hairy; bracts 1-2.5 mm; calyx 2-3 mm, teeth 1-1.5 mm; limb of standard suborbicular.   135 A. heterodontus
23 (20) Calyx densely covered with appressed hairs, sitting on minute tubercles, which can be easily examined only when hairs are gone; wing limbs slightly emarginate; legumes covered with appressed to nearly spreading hairs.   145 A. porphyrocalyx
+ Calyx hairs without minute tubercles, at least partly ascending or spreading; wing limbs rounded or truncate; legumes with only spreading hairs or glabrous (ovary)   (24)
24 (23) Plants 4-5 cm tall; at least lower stipules high connate behind stem; calyx ca. 3 mm, with ascending to spreading hairs; wing limbs obtriangular, widest at truncate tip.   133 A. despectus
+ Plants 6-25 cm tall; all stipules free or lowest very shortly connate; calyx mostly longer, with ascending hairs; wing limbs narrowly oblong, obtuse.   131 A. brachysemia


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