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20. Astragalus sect. Melilotopsis Gontscharow in Komarov, Fl. URSS. 12: 878. 1946.

假草木樨组 jia cao mu xi zu

Plants perennial, with long, commonly branched stems. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules free. Racemes borne on long slender peduncles, from beginning of anthesis loosely many flowered. Flowers small. Calyx campanulate. Wing limbs slightly to distinctly bilobed. Legumes subsessile, small, globose to subglobose, 2-locular; valves smooth or rarely cross-wrinkled.

Eight species: China, Japan, Mongolia, Russia (Siberia); eight species (six endemic) in China.

1 Racemes 28-32 cm, loosely 25-50-flowered; bracts 3-4 mm; calyx 4-5 mm; standard ca. 10 mm.   125 A. guinanicus
+ Racemes mostly much shorter, sometimes up to 15 cm; bracts, calyx, and standard distinctly shorter   (2)
2 (1) Stems ± densely covered with appressed to spreading hairs; wing limbs deeply bilobed   (3)
+ Stems glabrous or with scattered hairs only; wing limbs slightly emarginate to bilobed; legumes always glabrous   (4)
3 (2) Rachis appressed hairy; leaflets ca. 4 × as long as wide, 5-12 × 1.5-3 mm; petals orange; legumes glabrous.   124 A. dependens
+ Rachis partly with spreading hairs; leaflets ca. 2 × as long as wide, 2-4 × 1-2 mm; petals yellow; legumes very shortly white hairy.   126 A. huiningensis
4 (2) Leaflets in 1(or 2) pairs, sometimes only terminal leaflet present, more than 10 × as long as wide.   129 A. tenuis
+ Leaflets in at least 2 pairs, at most 5 × as long as wide   (5)
5 (4) Rachis sparsely to loosely covered with appressed to partly spreading hairs up to 0.5 mm; leaflets up to 10 mm; bracts 2-3 mm; calyx teeth equally distributed.   122 A. aurantiacus
+ Rachis glabrous or sparsely covered with appressed hairs up to 0.2 mm; most leaflets longer, up to 20 mm; bracts 0.5-2 mm; calyx teeth all crowded at lower side   (6)
6 (5) Stipules 1-1.5 mm, narrowly triangular, white hairy; calyx 1.5-2 mm, loosely hairy; leaflets in 2 or 3 pairs, subflabellately crowded, narrowly obovate, 5-20(-30) × 1-4(-6) mm.   127 A. melilotoides
+ Stipules 2-3 mm, from widely triangular base somewhat abruptly subulate-acuminate, glabrous; calyx 2.5-3 mm, tube subglabrous or sparsely hairy; leaflets equally distributed   (7)
7 (6) Leaflets in 3-7 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 7-15 × 1.5-2.5 mm; calyx teeth 0.5-1 mm, white hairy on outer and inner sides; standard ca. 5 mm, wings ca. 4.5 mm; legumes 3-3.5 mm.   128 A. satoi
+ Leaflets in (1 or)2 or 3 pairs, elliptic, 5-20 × 2.5-8 mm; calyx teeth 0.1-0.5 mm, black hairy on outer and inner sides; standard and wings ca. 6 mm; legumes 5-6 mm.   123 A. capillipes


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