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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Fabaceae Tribe GALEGEAE

9. Astragalus sect. Pseudosesbanella Podlech, Feddes Repert. 117: 230. 2006.

扁荚组 bian jia zu

Plants with well-developed, prostrate to erect stems, subglabrous or with basifixed hairs. Stipules free. Bracts persistent. Brac­teoles present, minute. Calyx campanulate. Stigma hairy. Legumes stipitate, distinctly to strongly compressed laterally, 1-locular or incompletely to completely 2-locular.

Three species: NE Afghanistan, W China, NW India, Kashmir, N Pakistan, Tajikistan; two species in China.

1 Plants subglabrous; leaflets in 15-20 pairs; calyx and legumes glabrous.   43 A. hoffmeisteri
+ Plants covered with spreading hairs; leaflets in 6-11 pairs; calyx and legumes hairy.   42 A. falconeri


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