Herbs, erect or diffuse. Leaves uni, very rarely trifoliolate, leaflets 2-stipellate; stipules scarious, acuminate, free or connate. Inflorescence terminal and axillary a raceme or panicle, flowers often in pairs, bracts scarious and deciduous. Calyx deeply divided, 2 upper lobes often connate to the apex. Corolla generally not exserted; vexillum obovate or orbicular, narrowed into a claw, wings obliquely oblong, adhering to the keel. Keel slightly incurved, often appendaged. Stamens diadelphous, 9+1, anthers uniform. Ovary sessile or stipitate, ovules many, style filiform, curved at the apex. Stigma terminal capitate. Fruit constricted between seeds.
A genus with about 30 species, distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia, Polynesia and Tropical America, represented in Pakistan by 8 species.
Excluded Species
Alysicarpus meeboldii Schindl. in Fedde Rep. Nov. Sp. 21:13. 1925.
All attempts to obtain any authentic specimen belonging to this species have failed. Hence the correct identity of this taxon presently remains obscure.