1 |
Leaves ending in ± serrate, hyaline awn. |
Orthotrichum diaphanum |
+ |
Leaves obtuse, acute, acuminate, or cuspidate, not ending in hyaline awn. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Leaf margins erect, incurved, or involute; dioicous; leaves ovate or elliptic, with broadly obtuse or rounded apices; calyptrae papillose, not plicate or hairy. |
(3) |
+ |
Leaf margins plane, recurved, revolute, or thickened; condition autoicous or if dioicous then leaves acuminate; leaves ± lanceolate or oblong, with narrowly obtuse, acute, or acuminate apices; calyptra smooth or rarely papillose, plicate, hairy, or naked. |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Leaf margins involute; distal leaf cells with 2--3 conical papillae per cell; peristome lacking; Newfoundland. |
Orthotrichum gymnostomum |
+ |
Leaf margins erect-incurved to incurved; distal leaf cells with 1 papilla per cell; peristome double; common throughout boreal and western regions. |
Orthotrichum obtusifolium |
4 (2) |
Leaves crisped-flexuose when dry; capsule cylindric or elliptic-cylindric, fully exserted; stomates immersed; Pacific Northwest and Alaska. |
(5) |
+ |
Leaves erect-appressed when dry; capsules various; stomates superficial or immersed; throughout North America. |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Plants 0.8--2 mm; distal leaf cells 7--11 µm wide; seta usually 2.5--6 mm; capsule long-exserted, ovate-cylindric when mature; peristome teeth 8, light-brown, finely papillose on the exterior, finely striate on the interior; stomates immersed, in the middle and proximal portion of the capsule. |
Orthotrichum consimile |
+ |
Plants usually less than 1.3 cm; distal leaf cells 9--14 µm wide; seta 1.5--3.5 mm; capsule barely exserted, oblong-cylindric when mature; peristome teeth 16, red, irregularly papillose-reticulate; stomates immersed above the middle of the capsule, never in the proximal portion. |
Orthotrichum pulchellum |
6 (4) |
Stomates superficial; basal leaf cells elongate, ± nodose, thick-walled. |
(7) |
+ |
Stomates immersed; basal leaf cells rectangular, not nodose, thin-walled. |
(26) |
7 (6) |
Endostome segments well-developed, usually present when capsule is old; exostome teeth recurved or reflexed; prostome never present; leaves sometimes flexuose when dry, always 1-stratose; usually on trees. |
(8) |
+ |
Endostome segments rudimentary or, more often, absent; exostome teeth erect, sometimes reflexed when old and dry; prostome usually present; leaves stiff, erect-appressed when dry, rarely 2-stratose; almost always on rock. |
(16) |
8 (7) |
Exostome teeth reflexed; endostome segments 8, narrow, consisting of a single row of cells; capsule strongly 8-ribbed at least 1/2 length of capsule. |
(9) |
+ |
Exostome teeth recurved; endostome segments 8 or 16, large, stout, and thick, consisting of 2 rows of cells; capsule smooth or weakly 8-ribbed no more than 1/2 length of capsule or if strongly 8-ribbed, then dioicous. |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Exostome fenestrate and cancellate; endemic to St. Paul's Island, Alaska. |
Orthotrichum fenestratum |
+ |
Exostome not fenestrate or cancellate, at most perforate at tips; Arctic south to California. |
Orthotrichum pylaisii |
10 (8) |
Calyptra oblong-conic, naked; endostome segments hyaline, delicate, as wide as exostome teeth; capsule widest at mouth, ovate; leaves oblong-ovate, rounded-obtuse; plants never longer than 1 cm, largest at apex. |
Orthotrichum exiguum |
+ |
Calyptra short-conic, hairy; endostome segments yellowish, stout, not as wide as exostome teeth; capsule widest at middle or cylindric; leaves lanceolate, acute or acuminate; stems longer than 1 cm, of uniform thickness. |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Plants dioicous; exostome teeth acuminate; capsule long-cylindric and 8-ribbed. |
Orthotrichum lyellii |
+ |
Plants autoicous; exostome teeth acute or truncate; capsule of various types. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Leaves slenderly acute, tip contracted to large, cuspidate point; peristome teeth truncate, often united at base to form basal ring, endemic to Appalachian Mts. |
Orthotrichum keeverae |
+ |
Leaves acute or acuminate; peristome teeth acute, separate to base; not found in Appalachian Mts. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Exostome teeth 16, endostome segments 16, usually not erose; New Mexico and Arizona. |
Orthotrichum pycnophyllum |
+ |
Exostome teeth 8, or if 16 endostome erose; endostome segments 8 to 16; temperate and boreal regions southward to California and Missouri. |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Capsule lightly 8-ribbed. |
Orthotrichum speciosum |
+ |
Capsule smooth. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Capsule cylindric, exserted; exostome teeth 8; endostome segments 8. |
Orthotrichum elegans |
+ |
Capsule ovate, immersed; exostome teeth 16; endostome segments 16. |
Orthotrichum striatum |
16 (7) |
Leaves 2-stratose, margins plane; plants dark-green to black. |
Orthotrichum bolanderi |
+ |
Leaves 1-stratose, margins revolute; plants light- to olive-green. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Peristome rudimentary, appearing absent. |
Orthotrichum spjutii |
+ |
Peristome present. |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Exostome teeth smooth; leaves smooth; calyptra naked; prostome large, extending 1/3 way up exostome; seasonally wet rocks. |
Orthotrichum holzingeri |
+ |
Exostome teeth papillose; leaves papillose; calyptra hairy; prostome small or absent; dry rocks. |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Capsule cylindric, fully exserted. |
(20) |
+ |
Capsule usually oblong and emergent, if cylindric and exserted then strongly 8-ribbed. |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Exostome teeth usually 8, reflexed-recurved; capsule lightly 8-ribbed, exothecial cells differentiated for 1/2 length of capsule; endostome usually present in at least some capsules. |
Orthotrichum pylaisii |
+ |
Exostome teeth usually 16, erect; capsule smooth or slightly plicate; exothecial cells not or scarcely differentiated; endostome rudimentary, usually absent in open capsules. |
Orthotrichum laevigatum |
21 (19) |
Exostome teeth erect; endostome absent. |
Orthotrichum rupestre |
+ |
Exostome teeth reflexed; endostome present. |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Capsule ovate to ovate-oblong, fully exserted; exostome teeth 16. |
(23) |
+ |
Capsule oblong to cylindric, emergent to slightly exserted; exostome teeth 8. |
(24) |
23 (22) |
Exostome fenestrate and cancellate; endemic to St. Paul's Island, Alaska. |
Orthotrichum fenestratum |
+ |
Exostome not fenestrate or cancellate, at most perforate at tips; Arctic south to California. |
Orthotrichum pylaisii |
24 (22) |
Capsule oblong, ± 1/2 emergent; exostome teeth perforate only at tips, not cancellate; endostome segments usually not present when capsules are old and dry; leaves gradually narrowed to a long acuminate-cuspidate apex, which is ± colorless; rare, western states, saxicolous. |
Orthotrichum praemorsum |
+ |
Capsule long-cylindric to oblong, 1/2 emergent to exserted; exostome teeth deeply perforate and cancellate, each tooth appearing as split into 4 vertical rows; endostome segments usually present when capsules are old and dry; leaves acute; common, throughout northern North America, corticolous. |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Capsule long-cylindric to cylindric, greater than 1.5 mm, ribbed entire length, emergent over 1/2; tapering gradually to seta, which is usually over 1 mm in length; endostome papillose; western North America. |
Orthotrichum affine |
+ |
Capsule oblong to oblong-cylindric, less than 1.5 mm, ribbed for ± 1/2 length of capsule, ± emergent; tapering to seta through a long, shriveled neck, which is less than 1.5 mm in length; endostome smooth; Great Lakes area, northeastern North America, and Alaska. |
Orthotrichum sordidum |
26 (6) |
Leaves ± obtuse; margins coarsely dentate near apex; calyptra naked, distinctly plicate, papillose, peristome of 8, reflexed teeth; rocks or bases of trees near streams, sometimes submerged; west of continental divide. |
Orthotrichum rivulare |
+ |
Leaves ± acute or narrowly obtuse; margins entire or denticulate near apex; calyptra naked or hairy, not distinctly plicate, smooth; peristome various; trunks of trees or dry rock faces; variously distributed. |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Exostome teeth erect or spreading, striate, reticulate, or papillose-striate; capsule with 8 or 16 ribs. |
(28) |
+ |
Exostome teeth reflexed or recurved, papillose, rarely striate at tips; capsule smooth or 8-ribbed. |
(33) |
28 (27) |
Endostome segments 16, linear, papillose, as long as exostome. |
Orthotrichum underwoodii |
+ |
Endostome segments absent, or 8 short, not well-developed. |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Capsule fully exserted, cylindrical, usually with 8 long and 8 short ribs; leaves 1-stratose. |
Orthotrichum anomalum |
+ |
Capsule immersed or emergent, rarely shortly exserted, ovate or oblong, usually with 8 or 16 ± uniform ribs; leaves 1- or 2-stratose. |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Capsule with 16 ribs, immersed to 1/3 emergent, ovate and constricted below mouth when dry; leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, 1-stratose or rarely with 2-stratose streaks. |
Orthotrichum cupulatum |
+ |
Capsule with 8 ribs, ± emergent, oblong or oblong-ovate, sometimes constricted below mouth when dry; leaves lanceolate to ligulate, obtuse or blunt, 1- or 2-stratose. |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Exostome teeth finely papillose or finely reticulate-papillose, 16, yellowish, erect or spreading-recurved; leaf margins 1--5 cells thick, at least in some leaves thicker than lamina; capsule usually strongly constricted below mouth when old; eastern North America. |
Orthotrichum strangulatum |
+ |
Exostome teeth ridged-striate, coarsely striate-reticulate, or coarsely papillose-striate, 8 splitting to 16, white to clear, incurved, spreading, or reflexed; leaf margins not thicker than lamina; capsule only moderately constricted below mouth when dry; western North America. |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Leaves 2-stratose or partially 2-stratose, green, lanceolate, obtuse, loosely-appressed, not incurved when dry; papillae small and conical; exostome teeth usually 8. |
Orthotrichum hallii |
+ |
Leaves 1-stratose, usually thick and glaucous, ligulate, blunt, stiff, incurved when dry; papillae large, 2-3 forked; exostome teeth ± 16. |
Orthotrichum pellucidum |
33 (27) |
Capsule smooth when dry; exostome of 16, erect to recurved teeth; endostome absent. |
Orthotrichum pusillum |
+ |
Capsule 8-ribbed when dry; exostome teeth 8, or 8 splitting to 16, reflexed; endostome usually present. |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Leaf apex cuspidate and usually denticulate, margins incurved and forming channel at apex; southwestern U.S.A. |
Orthotrichum bartramii |
+ |
Leaf apex obtuse, acute, or apiculate, margins not forming channel at apex; throughout North America. |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Stomates scarcely to 1/2 covered by non-projecting subsidiary cells, inner walls not much thickened; calyptra usually naked, oblong to conic-oblong. |
(36) |
+ |
Stomates 1/2 to completely covered by projecting subsidiary cells, inner walls thickened; calyptra usually with some hairs, oblong. |
(38) |
36 (35) |
Leaves acute or narrowly obtuse, never apiculate, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate; distal leaf cells less than 14 µm; calyptra conic-oblong. |
Orthotrichum pallens |
+ |
. Leaves apiculate or rounded-obtuse, ovate or narrowly ovate-lanceolate; distal leaf cells greater than 13 µm; calyptra oblong. |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, rounded-obtuse, at least some leaves mucronate, carinate; western North America. |
Orthotrichum flowersii |
+ |
Leaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute, most leaves apiculate, not carinate; throughout North America. |
Orthotrichum pumilum |
38 (35) |
Leaves with 2- to 3-stratose margins; dry granite rocks. |
Orthotrichum shevockii |
+ |
Leaves with 1-stratose margins; trees and mesic rocks. |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Exostome teeth with striate-reticulate ornamentation in distal portion; calyptra with strongly papillose hairs; leaf cells papillose, with regular, long-forked papillae; leaves slightly twisted when dry; capsule strangulate when dry. |
Orthotrichum alpestre |
+ |
Exostome teeth papillose; calyptra hairs smooth or papillae formed by projecting cell walls; leaf cells smooth or with low, conical papillae, papillae never forked; leaves stiff, erect-appressed when dry; capsule variously constricted beneath mouth when dry. |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Vaginula with numerous hairs. |
Orthotrichum stramineum |
+ |
Vaginula without hairs. |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Leaf tips incurved when dry; capsule cylindric to cylindric-elliptic, not constricted beneath mouth, but contracted along entire length; stomates in proximal 1/3 of capsule, completely covered by subsidiary cells; restricted to west coast. |
Orthotrichum tenellum |
+ |
Leaf tips not incurved when dry; capsule oblong-cylindric, constricted beneath mouth, never contracted along entire length; stomates at middle of capsule; Rocky Mountains and eastward. |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Leaf cells greater than 14 µm, the lumina smooth and rounded; leaves apiculate or slenderly acute, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate; subsidiary cells not completely covering stomates. |
Orthotrichum pumilum |
+ |
Leaf cells less than 14 µm, lumina irregular due to uneven wall thickenings; leaves broadly acute to obtuse, lanceolate; subsidiary cells completely covering stomates. |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Capsule strongly constricted beneath mouth, brown; exothecial cells with thickened walls, in rows 6--8 cells wide; exostome teeth 8; subsidiary cells projecting horizontally over stomate. |
Orthotrichum stellatum |
+ |
Capsule not constricted beneath mouth, yellow; exothecial cells with thickened walls in rows 4--6 cells wide; peristome teeth 16, rarely united into 8 pairs; subsidiary cells projecting upward over stomate. |
Orthotrichum ohioense |