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Pakistan | Family List | Papaveraceae

Roemeria Medicus in Usteri, Ann. Bot. 3:15. 1792. DC., Prodr. 1:122.1824; Endl. & Fenzl, Gen. P1. 2:856. 1837; Boiss. Fl. Or. 1: 118. 1867; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 1:53. 1862; Popov in Komarov, Fl. URSS. 7:596. 1963 (reprint); Tutin et al Fl. Europ. 1:251. 1964; Cullen in Davis, Fl. Turkey 1:215.1965; Cullen in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 34:6. 1966.

Roemeria refracta

Credit: Azmat

Annual foetid herb, with yellow latex. Leaves bi-or tripinnate; lower petiolate, upper sessile. Inflorescences solitary axillary, often with large and showy flowers. Sepals 2, free, caducous, imbricate. Petals 4, crumpled in bud, red or violet, broadly obovate, deciduous. Stamens numerous with usually subulate or dilated filaments; anthers oblong extrorse. Ovary linear-cylindrical, unilocular, many ovuled; style short; stigmas (2-) 3-4, capitate. Fruit a siliqua-like capsule, linear-cylindrical, unilocular, many seeded, setose to glabrous, dehiscing to the base by 3-4 valves. Seeds small, reniform, unappendaged, often pitted or finely reticulated.

A small genus of 3 species only of S.W. Europe, Asia and N. Africa; represented by 2 species in West Pakistan.

1 Petals red. Capsule glabrous except the 4 setae Projecting beyond the stigma. Stamen filaments Slightly dilated   Roemeria refracta
+ Petals violet. Capsule setosa (at least near the apex) but without 4 apical setae. Stamen filaments subulate   Roemeria hybrida

Lower Taxa

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