Lateral nectar glands semiannular or annular, open towards the inner side, rarely in pairs or short; middle glands often joining the laterals, torose and ± thickened in the middle, rarely short, conical and not joining the laterals. Hairs simple or branched, sometimes absent, often rigid and ciliate, rarely glandular. Sepals erect or suberect, Stamen filaments not appendaged but sometimes broad at base; anthers usually oblong, obtuse. Stigma depressed capitate, often sub-bilobed. Fruits usually long (siliquae) rarely short (siliculae) ; valves often somewhat convex and rigid; style mostly short, rarely absent; stigma mostly broad, obscurely to sub-bilobed; septum usually complete, rarely perforated or absent,with or without a vein, rarely 2-4-veined; seeds usually oblong or suborbicular, rarely winged; mucilaginous or not when wet; radicle mostly incumbent.
Represented by 14 genera and c. 40 species in our area.
1 |
Leaves bipinnate |
(2) |
+ |
Leaves simple to lyrate-pinnatifed |
(5) |
2 (1) |
Perennial, caespitose herbs; fruits siliculae |
Smelowskia |
+ |
Annual or biennial herbs; fruits siliquae |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Pedicels very short, inconspicuous, thick; siliquae subangular, conical-tapering above |
Robeschia |
+ |
Pedicels conspicuous, often long, thin; fruits
uniformly broad |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Fruits more than 12 mm long, linear, subcylin-
drical, often upcurved |
Descurainia |
+ |
Fruits less than 12 mm long , narrowly ellipsoid
often slightly narrowed below, usually straight |
Sophiopsis |
5 (1) |
Basal leaves ovate-cordate; seeds longitudinally
striated, large |
Alliaria |
+ |
Basal leaves not so cordate; seeds not longitudinally striated, small |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Fruit short, siliculae (rarely dub-siliquae type) |
(7) |
+ |
Fruits often long, siliquae (rarely sub-siliculae
type) |
(9) |
7 (6) |
Cauline leaves amplexicaul, often ± sagittate |
Camelina |
+ |
Cauline leaves linear to oblabceolate, not amplexicaul |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Cauline leaves several; racemes lax, mostly bracteate |
Aphragmus |
+ |
Cauline leaves 0-2 only; racemes often compact,
ebracteate |
Braya |
9 (6) |
Radical leaves much larger than the cauline leaves, about as long as the aerial stem; seeds 2-seriate |
Arcyosperma |
+ |
Aerial stem usually much longer than the radical Leaves, seeds 1-seriate |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Plants tender, lax with filiform stem; leaves 3-lobed
to entire; fruits short, 1-locular, 3-6-seeded |
Lignariella |
+ |
Plants erect to ascending, often robust; leaves not so lobed; fruits often long, 2-locular, many seeded |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Flowers yellow (in our species); lateral nectar glands hexagonal-quadrate; valves ± 3- veined |
Sisymbrium |
+ |
Flowers white, pinkish or violet (yellow in Arabidopsis pumila only) lateral nectar glands not angular; valves 1-veined |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Middle nectar glands absent |
Torularia |
+ |
Middle nectar glands present, ± torose, often joining
the laterals |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Seeds not mucilaginous when wet |
Microsisymbrium |
+ |
Seeds usually mucilaginous when wet |
Arabidopsis |
List of lower taxa
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