Selected Perennials
Among 200 genera endemic to the FSU most are herbaceous plants, many with ornamental value, unknown in cultivation. Therefore, published plant descriptions mainly consider perennials. In contrast, there are about three thousands woody species in the flora. Many are widely distributed with some endemic to the FSU. Several workers have investigated the trees and shrubs of Russia and the references can be seen among recommended literature. The most completed work was joint project and seven-volume Trees and shrubs of the USSR (1949-1965) describes the woody species and cultivars introduced to the FSU. The editor of these publications, S. Sokolov (1965) gave the number 2,883 species of woody plants (including semi-woody shrubs) native to the FSU. Unknown to cultivation, a short list of the more horticulturally interesting trees and shrubs is given here, after perennial descriptions, and it indicates taxa that grow under extreme conditions.
- Alliaceae
- Amaryllidaceae
- Apiaceae
Angelica, Heracleum
- Araceae
Arisaema, Arum
- Asteraceae
Alfredia, Anthemis, Arnica, Aster, Centaurea, Cicerbita, Cladochaeta, Grossheimia, Jurinea, Jurinella, Leontopodium, Leucanthemum, Petasites, Pyrethrum, Senecio
- Berberidaceae
Epimedium, Plagiorhegma
- Bignoniaceae
Incarvillea, Niedzwedzkia
- Boraginaceae
Brunnera, Omphalodes
- Brassicaceae
Aethionema, Arabis
- Campanulaceae
Adenophora, Campanula, Gadellia, Ostrowskia, Platycodon
- Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium, Dianthus, Gypsophila, Lychnis
- Crassulaceae
Clementsia, Hylotelephium, Rhodiola, Rosularia, Sedum, Sempervivum
- Euphorbiaceae
- Fabaceae
Astragalus, Chesneya, Lathyrus
- Frankeniaceae
- Gentianaceae
- Geraniaceae
- Iridaceae
Crocus, Gladiolus, Iridodictyum, Iris, Juno
- Lamiaceae
Meehania, Salvia, Stachys, Thymus
- Liliaceae
Bellevalia, Colchicum, Eremurus, Erythronium, Fritillaria, Hemerocallis, Korolkowia, Lilium, Merendera, Muscari, Ornithogalum, Petilium, Pseudomuscari, Puschkinia, Rhinopetalum, Scilla, Tulipa
- Morinaceae
- Orchidaceae
- Paeoniaceae
- Papaveraceae
Corydalis, Dicentra, Hylomecon, Papaver
- Plumbaginaceae
Acantholimon, Popoviolimon
- Poaceae
Achnatherum, Molinia, Stipa
- Polygonaceae
- Primulaceae
Androsace, Cortusa, Cyclamen, Primula
- Ranunculaceae
Aconitum, Anemonastrum, Anemone, Anemonoides, Aquilegia, Cimicifuga, Delphinium, Hegemone, Helleborus, Paraguilegia, Pulsatilla, Trollius
- Rosaceae
Filipendula, Louiseania, Potentilla, Sanguisorba, Waldsteinia, Woronovia
- Saxifragaceae
Astilbe, Bergenia, Saxifraga
- Solanaceae
- Valerianaceae
- Violaceae